Five minutes before the altercation...

Zack Blaze stood at the table of the local tavern, his left hand over his right wrist as he twisted the latter back and forth. One of Althanas most wanted criminals, the ghostly white lines that covered a good three inches on of length on each of the street fighters arms served as a reminder to the Haidia that was an Aleraran prison. He started a war for Misery Business, did their bidding and created a war in Eiskalt, and as such, became a living target for any would be heroes such as the Ixian Knights and Ashla Icebreaker. Despite his service to the organization, it was Queen Veleena of Scara Brae that moved for the warrior's freedom. Without her, young Zack would still fancy a scruff quite unbecoming of his features, and chains that kept him from unleashing his max potential in times of war.

All of the items that Alerar stripped from him while incarcerated now rested on his person once more. The youth owed so much to Queen Veleena, a woman who told the scuffler that her kindness was a debt repaid for the orc Zack 'slayed' years ago that terrorized the town for years. He did well not to mention to the monarch that, in reality, the fallen orc actually now found his services employed by the very man she thought fell it. His freedom was earned after years of tortures, interrogations, and constant terms of malnutrition. Of course the first place he wished to go was to a bar in order to fill his gut and forget what were once his woes. Somehow, the coloration and feeling of simply being 'free' seemed foreign, almost as if he were in a dream.

"Back on track I guess," he whispered while his gaze shifted over to the drumstick that was set meticulously upon his plate. The steam danced through his nostrils, a smell of fresh oil and slightly burnt poultry skin that in itself brought saliva out of the corners of the young man's mouth. His hand reached for and grabbed the smaller part of the drumstick and began to bring it to his mouth. Zack's teeth ached for the taste of meat that did not sit in a grog hall for days before being served. That first bite of warm protein screamed ecstasy through the whole body of Althanas most renowned street fighter, and it was not long before the bone of the dinner most foul found itself stripped of all its meat.

And then, the political argument and subsequent bodies through the bar happened.

The young man brought his thumb and index fingers to the bridge of his nose with a sigh. It seemed as though no matter where the young brawler went, a large scale fight was sure to follow. He glanced over towards the epicenter of the engagement with a smirk crept across his features. Within the span of three seconds, Zack disappeared and reappeared with a quick jab at the face towards two of the three of the instigators, his form stopped at the body of the rogue who found his new seat upon the table of a few poor souls that were attempting to enjoy their mead peacefully. His fingers interlaced with one another on each hand for an axe handle that attempted to fall upon the rogue's face with a force strong enough to shatter the table his back rested on.

"Just when I was thinking I needed a warm up to get back into the swing of things," the criminal spoke as his shoulders popped as though they wished to broadcast their inactivity to all, "there's always a few idiots willing to become victims, I guess!"