Damn are there ever a lot of words being put in my mouth.

Shin, you and I put a lot of time into planning the FQ out, but I don't recall ever hearing that the Faith United and the Brotherhood would be drenching the streets of Radasanth in blood. We may have briefly touched on the idea of our factions working together to control Corone, but that was at the theoretical end of an FQ with a storyline which will no longer be happening. It wasn't a first-act mission to violently seize the capital.

Breaker would never support this, and frankly the Faithful would not stand for it. They may have started as a militia, but they were formed to support the peaceful worship of the Thayne. How many of the "Imperial" soldiers that you kill will have been Thayne worshipers?

So to answer your question, Flamebird... the Faith United would be willing to march with the Brotherhood in a show of force to attempt to conquer the capital peacefully IF indeed it is in the wrong hands... but if fighting broke out, they would be on the side of the defenders. Against the Brotherhood.