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  1. #1

    EXP: 8,146, Level: 3
    Level completed: 79%, EXP required for next Level: 854
    Level completed: 79%,
    EXP required for next Level: 854

    Professor Charles's Avatar


    Charles Rivers
    Stereotypically tall, dark and handsome, my primordial brother Morningstar stands at six foot and eight inches to the crown of his head. Two large and impressive horns grow back from his temples in the same shade as his pale red-tinged flesh. Shimmering, eyes which sporadically change coliur and glow (but were blue for now) are set in his extraordinarily handsome face, framed by long chocolate brown locks. A deep five o'clock shadow gives him the codeword of 'rugged’ and his strong build, including wide shoulders, muscular legs, torso and legs, extend this further.

    I had not seen Morningstar for nearing a thousand years, ever since he had paid a visit to the King of Death and tried, once more, to ask for my freedom. But I had known his real agenda. I had always known his agenda - simply, he wanted me to gain my freedom so I could serve him instead.

    And now I had it. My freedom, upon my own terms, yet within a might price. I had given up much of my magnificent, destructive and empathetic power in order to gain a right to my own existence. To come here, to the mortal realm, where earning a wage and living a normal life was something not beyond me. I had come to start anew …

    Yet here he was, back in my life.

    My steps pulled to a halt at three steps to the landing, where I had cut off my words. Beside me Ayna also paused, her eyes glancing upwards to see what I could. Eyes widening she let out a light gasp, clearly seeing the (very) faint resemblance between me and this, my one brother of many. Hands fluttered to her lips and she mumbled something under her breath that I could have sworn was, “Damn, they're all handsome,” before Morningstar's iconic smile began to spread over his face.

    One thing was definite - I would not make this meeting public. With him there now and seeing me, I could not back away. Even if I invited Ayna to stay and converse, even if I avoided Morningstar, sent him away, he would only come back. Again, and again. He was that resolute, that determined. There was no point of even trying to avoid him.

    I had thousands of years of experience in this.

    Slowly I breathed in as the self-styled Prince rose out of his chair, a smirk spreading across his face. His icy eyes shone, glowing with an eerie light that hinted at his unquestionable power. Certainly, he was far more powerful than I was; he had always been, even at the height of my destructive capabilities. Hands drawn before him he looked right at me as I unsteadily swallowed.

    Ayna was still there. At least, I could spare her from Morningstar's repertoire.

    Quickly, before Morningstar could begin to speak, I turned to the young drow. “Ayna, if we could continue this later,” I said quickly, “After tomorrow's lecture.”

    Ayna glanced from myself to Morningstar, seeing the very faint resemblance, and likely calculating the chances of a genetic connection between myself and the primordial before us. Yet, she seemed to gauge the tension with in the atmosphere. She nodded once, twisting around to face me.

    “Of course, professor,” she smiled vaguely, though there was still some shock in her features. “Tomorrow …”

    And she nibbled her lip before she ducked her head, mumbling something more about handsomeness. Sighing, I watched her go, and let the moment last for some time, before a polite cough signalled me back.

    Lifting my head up I looked straight back at Morningstar. He gestured with a ridged horn at my office.

    “Shall we?” his low, rich voice sounded, each syllable filled with meaning.
    Last edited by Philomel; 10-07-2018 at 02:00 AM.

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