“It’s good to see everyone gathered here today.” Lord Osiris said as he plopped down in the seat at the head of the table. Everyone around him gave him their undivided attention, minus the few less savory attendants to the meeting who couldn’t shut their traps. Hayate glared both at Shinsou and the annoying gabber jaws next to him. “I’d like to start off by saying that we have a new face joining us for this council meeting. Hayate Amatsukami, the former lord of Yukon and leader of the Immortals.”

Those seated at the table all turned and clapped softly as the officially greeted Hayate into the counsel. Hayate blushed slightly not knowing exactly how to react or respond. He was happy that he hadn’t been dismissed but was one for being the center of attention.

“Thank you for having me here.” He said nodding.

“Moving on,” Shinsou casually continued. “We have an issue that needs attending to. My informants have warned me of a criminal enterprise that formed recently in Stonevale. The mining town has been covertly taken over but a group of malicious business tycoons and their goons.”

Hayate like the sounds of that, anything that could get him mind off his clan and focused on something else was much appreciated. It would also be a good first mission to involve the immortals and take them for a test drive. Well at least find out who is willing to take on such a minuscule task. Assuming that these were your regular run of the mill bandits he figured one or two assistants would suffice and immediately darted his eyes at Beth across the table from him. She must have had the same idea because she was looking towards him and nodded when they made eye contact. Beth was a younger girl but possessed very strong abilities and Hayate knew she would be more than enough back up for him on this mission.

“I’d like a team to be dispatch to take care of these men and give the mines back to their respected owners.” Shinsou finished.
Hayate immediately stood up.

“I will be leaving shortly Lord Osiris.”

“I expected nothing less from you Number Four, use whatever resources you need. Send a raven when you have completed you mission, and bring back the head of whoever masterminded this coup.”

“Your will be done.” Then the one-armed man and Beth left the council chambers preparing for their mission.