The two companions rode through the glistening moon light for hours until they cleared the long pastures outside Stonevale. As they approached the mining town there were a number of small cottages and farm house that dotted the country side. Some seemed to be relatively abandoned, other were home to families, and yet others seemed to only be used for storage. It was strange but Hayate was told that the hustle and bustle of Stonevale did seem to cause people to come and go. He assumed that the few vacant buildings were once home to someone but not anymore.

“Stop here,” He yelled as the sun threatened to peak its head over the trees on the horizon. He pointed a modest stone shack with a hay roof around the bend in the trail ahead of them. The two companions slowed their horses as they approached what would become their temporary home. “Let us not get ahead of ourselves.” He said as he brought his steed to a halt and began to dismount.

“I’ll tie the horses up out back,” Beth said as she hoped off her horse and grabbed the two of them by the reigns. “We should get off the roads for now.”

“Yeah, I’m going to find a way inside.” The leader of the Immortals said as he headed for the front door. From the outside it was a pretty put together house without mush damage to speak of. The windows appeared to be fine and the door didn’t have much wrong with it. As Hayate approached the wooded door he tried to pull on the handle to no avail, it was locked up tight.

Shall I handle that for you sir? Yamato offered.

Hayate reached behind his back and gripped the hilt of his Nodachi.

“Rise Up,” He said in a muffled tone. “Don’t go overboard.”

Then his sword vanished and around him a dark red energy appeared. From the pool of energy a giant hand took shape and grabbed hold of the door. Then with a violent yank the wooden door was off the hinges and on the ground. Then as quickly as it came, the ethereal hand vanished and Hayate’s Nodachi returned.

“Did I just hear some-...” Beth said with her mouth hanging open.

“I didn’t want you to see that just yet.”

“That. Was. Amazing…” She stood in disbelief. Beth had heard rumors of Hayate’s power but not yet seen it for herself. Needless to say but she was very impressed.