One on your left!

Hayate pivoted on his heal ripping his Akashiman dagger from the man’s throat and threw it at the next guard. It spiraled through the air for a moment before impaling itself in the sternum of the guy. As he started to fall to the ground Hayate quickly ripped his blade from the man chest and continued to attack the remaining few guards. Beth wasn’t as quick as Hayate but engaged with a man about twice her size. She held her own well and by the time Hayate had dispatched of the first two she had slit the wrists of her enemy and moved onto the next one.

The two of them managed to take care of the straggling guards without causing too much commotion. And as the finished they two of them disappeared into the shadows of the quarry and continued deeper into looking for the higher ups. There were a number of other men roaming the quarry as well as a dozen or so in the very bottom tooling away at the minerals. Hayate wondered if the men working the mine were part of the Granite Kings or slaves being forced to work. Either way Hayate didn’t hurt unarmed men.

“Do you see that?” Hayate asked as he crouched and pulled Beth down with him. He pointed to a tent oddly out of place on the western slope of the quarry.

“That looks like the place to be if you’re asking me,” She said quietly. “I’d bet my ass the head we are looking for is in there.”

“Okay, let move.”


The two assassins sneaked with great care not to alert any of the roaming sentinels that patrolled the slopes. Taking extra time and caution and waiting for the coast to be clear before the made their way to the tent.

Once they reached the cloth house Hayate signaled to Beth to remain back a bit. She waited in a small bush outside for Hayate’s next single and from there she would burst into action and delay any annoying guards that might come running if things went sour. But Hayate didn’t plan for this to be too loud. Their body count was already a bit higher than he would have wanted and they didn’t have a lot of time left before the bodies attracted unwanted attention.