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  1. #1

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

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    "They that had fought so well
    Came thro’ the jaws of Death,
    Back from the mouth of Hell."

    Charge of the Light Brigade. Tennyson.
    Oh my word, she whispered internally, That is ... A giant, zombie dragon.

    Approximately thirty full and long metres of curling, scaled beast. The colour of a sickly lichen the serpentine monster was wound loosely around a low hilltop. A mighty, horse-shaped maw, with the skin from part of his lower jaw peeling away looked over then cast cavern with cold, icy eyes. Horns sprang from his head, straight and true and began a fashion that extended down the entire length of his spine, all the way to thar flickering, weaponised tail. The only sections where the spikes were missing were in portions where his flesh had fallen away, leaving exposed dying muscle, organs and even bone poking through the khaki mess.

    Four legs, one of them no more than a skeletal structure, supported a thin but muscular body, whilst two great leathery wings sprouted from his back. They were matted and torn at the end, as if years of fighting had ruined him, and one had a gaping hole, oozing with a strange green slime. It was clear though that they could support him, for there were signs of discarded remains and corpses strewn about around, beneath and above him, on ledges too far for even his gloriously length could reach. As Philomel watched through the cautious eyes of Veridian, just peering through the very edge of the mysterious inky smoke, she saw one of the dragon's eyes roll back as if dead into his skull and remain there, backwards.

    "Drys above," she whispered, and reached the only useful thing right now - her plynt dagger called the Lover.

    Flipping a switch set in the hilt she made the blade woosh up with flame. As it was Philomel was still within the black mist, only having stepped in just after Rianna. By Veridian's reckoning the others had to be between them, for nowhere in his sight of the huge chamber with the mighty dragon did he see them. And he was on a high up ledge, overlooking much of the cave. A steady path would lead down, but it would not be without notice.

    Luckily the black fog was not flammable. Instead it seemed to be some sort of harmless smoke that only revealed a handful of feet before you and reached the ceiling by the time you were in fully. As Philomel turned around with her flaming dagger she began to see more - the sharp curves of the tunnel wall, and the glitterings of the jade still within. There was also a mushroom there - a dirty grey thing that grew in bunches of two or three. As Philomel passed by, her eyes searching rather for the rabbit girl or the vampire, she saw one of the fungi suddenly seem to breathe out and release a puff of black spores.

    Which explained the fog at least.

    For a minute or more she continued to search, but still could not find the other two ladies. Connecting back to Veridian she discovered they had still not appeared at the end of the tunnel at all, alongside him. It meant that they were somewhere between her and him still, or they had become lost entirely. Philomel had only one choice - and that was to press on. Yet she still needed to warn them, and thus she whispered.

    "Rianna ... Ayami," she hissed, "You have to be careful ... Veridian has found the end of the tunnel and well ... caverns of luck indeed. We found a zombie dragon."

    Though he does look to be lying on a huge pile of treasure, Veridian admitted. He spied skulls, old weapons ... and lots of shining jewels and gold.

    "He is guarding the treasure!" she repeated.
    Last edited by Philomel; 11-02-2017 at 09:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Shit! Shit! This is so not good! Rianna's mind screamed loudly. She could feel the fear pulsing through her veins. Her body was screaming RUN! GET THE HELL OUT, BEFORE YOU GET EATEN! Her whole body felt rooted in place as she shivered within the smoky black fog. She could smell the beast, the strong scent of rotting, decayed flesh encompassing her nostrils. The putrid odor caused her to gag, as she begin to force her body to move, whispering softly to herself "You can do this Rianna! Its just a zombie dragon, much like my no-good half-sister's summoned ancient beast. Its nothing THAT big, just something that could swallow me whole if I make the wrong move!"

    Taking careful steps, the red-haired vixen could feel the cold limestone beneath her feet, she could still see a very faint shimmer of green from the extremely large jade dragon carved into the cavern wall. It felt like a mocking symbol to the night assassin, almost a warning to the most brave treasure hunt to turn back. Almost saying Don't go any further! Risk it and trouble might arise! shaking her head, the comely vixen begin to stealth her way towards the large rotting beast, using her slim hand to cover her mouth from the pungent odor, so she wouldn't gag and give her position away.

    Ayami soon floated next to her, her white bunny ears wiggling slightly in the chill air as she whispers softly to Rianna "Are you ready for this challenge little vampire? This task is no easy one, but I know you must have some small ounce of determination to gain the treasure that you desire!"

    "I"d much rather leave Ayami! I know I'm not strong enough to trounce this stupid obstacle!" Ri groused sourly. She was treading very gently as she passed one of the fungi emitting the smoky black fog, her nose wrinkled as she couldn't believe the plants growing in this cavern of luck. It more seemed like now to the trembling red-head Caverns of Fear Gulping as she made her way closer to where the zombie dragon's hulking shadow could be seen through the dense thick black fog, the unlucky Mizami heiress could also see the faint glint of gems, of treasure!

    This caused the dark beauty to gulp, before she carefully edged closer to the beast, hearing Phi's warning she hissed softly back, hoping her voice would carry, but NOT alert the dragon "I see the beast Phi! I know its guarding the treasure! We...have to find a way to either distract it! Or take it down!"

    Ayami giggles delicately as she sasses Rianna "Getting some courage up I see! That's good, that is the goal! But in order to defeat this creature, you'll have to use all your strength, your power, you can't just run away! No one will protect you! You have to guard yourself!" the little ghost rabbit girl then glided further forward, her pink hair shimmering in the chill air, as she made her way towards the zombie dragon, a grin on her little face as she thought Now its time to see how strong little Rianna is! She just seems like a well trained doll to me! Lets see how she manages in the tide of battle against a strong foe!

    Rianna groans as she glares daggers at her rabbit ghost guide companion, she already knew deep down the task she had to overcome, she just needed to plan it out. She also realized that her guide was right, if she was going to trounce her no good sibling Sivienna she would need to grow in strength, and what better way to do that was to defeat a beast her brat of a half-sister could summon? With her newfound resolve pulsing in her heart, the assasain unsheathed her sais, then begin to move closer to the zombie dragon, hoping that Phi would realize they needed to attack, she begin to stalk towards the creature, her heart pounded as her last thought before she planned to strike was I really hope I"m not getting in over my head!

  3. #3

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

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    Slipping carefully down the steep scree slope, Philomel tried her best to bear herself and not cause any more noise than was necessary. Ahead of her Rianna skidded down, with Ayami, still happy, floating and descending. Their path was a steady decline of rocks and slippery surface that required great concentration as they took it. Philomel was thankful for her natural gift of her hooves, using them as much as she needed to. The soft but tough underside gripped over the rocks and the harder exterior made a good base. Around her shoulders Veridian was slung, his claws dug tight into her shoulder guard and his eyes ever watching the dragon.

    He still isn't moving, he whispered. He's still ... Quiet.

    Sleeping? Philomel asked.

    I hope so, Veridian replied. It would help greatly. But his eyes are open, at least I can sleep with my eyes open ... Maybe dragons do too?

    Philomel thought about it. It would certainly fit the description of a dragon, always eager to protect his hoard, if he slept with his eyes open. It gave a creature an ability to passively be able to be aware, even if they were deeply resting. She thought about this as she slowly moved down more, trying to avoid a mass of loose stones. They were about half way down now, trying to negotiate the treacherous road.

    Sshhrrkkkkshhh ...

    Suddenly, the stones above Philomel's head began to slip. Looking up she saw a chunk of rock had come loose, and now scree was cascading its way right towards her. And that meant Rianna behind. Like a thunder it built in velocity, and then volume as it skidded past a rock, met the more slippy path and hunted them. Gasping, Philomel realised that one of them at some point must have loosened the rock somehow. An accidental placing of hoof or foot. With seconds to decide she twisted around and began to run towards Rianna, now not caring about making noise.

    Shouting a warning of, "WATCH!" the faun raced and shoved an arm around the vampire's waist. As the rocks continued to crumble towards them she pushed off from the path with her hooves, heaving Rianna with her and Veridian, who held on for dear life. Launching herself right at Ayami, she pushed the rabbit spirit off guard and the four of them fell onto a ledge still fifteen feet up.

    The scree roared past them and met the ground with a crashing, heavy rumble as they landed heavily. Stones rained down for seconds more as Philomel tried to protect them all with a foetal position. Crumbling, shaking, hailing, everything fell and that was fearsome until it stopped. Eventually. With a last plink the last pebble of the scree came to rest, and there was a long, effortless pause.

    Of peace. Of patience and -

    ROARRR ...

    Oh feck.

    They turned to come eye to eye with the half-celestial dragon.

    He was awake.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  4. #4
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Oh fuck! Rianna's mind screamed as she felt Philomel's arms wrap around her waist and pull her out of harm's way. Her luminous blue eyes widened to saucers as she saw the boulder rolling swiftly just to the side of the faun and vampire pair. Gasping as she felt her breathe catch in her throat as she landed HARD against the limestone floor. Her chest was heaving up and down as she straightened herself up. Looking at her companion she whispers softly "Thank you for saving me..." her words were cut short thought as she heard the loud, ominous roar.

    Shit, fuck! Oh hell! Where the god damn is Malik when I need him! Rianna's mind screamed furiously, as her orbs watched the zombie dragon start to rise to its full height. Its rotting wings expanding to their full length, bits and pieces of flesh were missing from the great leathery wings, as he flapped them once creating a huge gust of wind, that rifled Rianna's hair to blow behind her. Staring at it, the red-haired vixen was sorely reminded of facing off against her no-good half-sister's magical summon of the same creature. But THAT dragon was living, not undead!

    Glaring at Ayami now, the venom seeped from her lips as she hisses "Is this the lesson I"m suppose to learn rabbit brat? That I need to face down my fears? Fight back? Did my father send you to help me because I've been failing him too much?"

    Ayami's soft eyes grew cold, her aura begin to pulse a bright pinkish-red, flames begin to lick at her small frame as she replies callously "Oh little vampire, you should be careful what you say to potential allies! Remember little vampire, not ever creature is what they appear to be! You do not want to cross me!"

    Staring at the small bunny ghost girl, feeling her aura pulse violently, Ri's hue's grew huge as she whispers "Are you ancient? Powerful? What are you Ayami?"

    Ayami grins like a cat whose caught the best mouse as she says softly "You shall see soon enough! Now Mizami heir, I'd suggest focusing on the task at hand!"

    WHO DARES WANDER INTO MY CAVE? LITTLE BEASTS I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE! YOU'LL NEVER GET THE TREASURE THAT LIES BEHIND ME! The undead ancient dragon roared loudly. Little drops of acid begin to form in his mouth, indicting that his years of undeath had given him much different powers then what he had in life. His putrid spiked tail slapped against a pile of said goodies that he was guarding. He looked at the faun and vampire, almost challenging them to attack.

    Ayami begin to glide forward, her first though was to try reasoning with the beast, in a conjoling voice she cooed "Come on mister dragon? Can't you let us pass? We're just a group of treasure-seekers! We won't take much of what you guard! Wouldn't you rather live? Instead of trying to battle a group who very well might defeat you?"

    The dragon snorted, a great acrid puff of green smoke wafted out of it's nostrils as he roared angrily "Little ghost! You anger me! You think because your cute, you think you can sneak past me! No I shan't let anyone past! If you wish to even get your greedy hands on one ounce of gold! You'll have to get past me!"

    "Aww shit!" Ayami mumbled angrily as she had to roll glide away from an angry claw that batted at her as if she was just an angry fly buzzing greedily around the zombie dragon's huge form. Shaking her pink hair out of her eyes she growls out "We'll just have to kill it Phi! Veridian! Rianna! Ready yourself for battle!"

    Ri groans, her eyes pulsing bright blue with annoyance as she hisses "You just had to go piss it off Ayami! Why the fuck did you do that?"

    Ayami flashes a look at Ri as she hisses "Forget about it for now! Just be on guard Rianna!" Ri growls low but readies herself for battle, rising from the cold limestone floor, she unsheathes her sai's, gripping her familiar weapon in her hands tightly she thinks Well here goes nothing!

  5. #5

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

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    As the dragon heaved his great body up onto its legs, Philomel felt a smooth smile come to her lips.

    So it had come to this. They tried the patient way, the quiet and stealthy way, but it had come to naught. The path was treacherous down and it would be harder to get back up. It would be impossible, surely, now with a noxious-breath beast who was snarling and promising wicked things to come their way.

    Philomel roared a challenge as she slid down the remainder of the pathway. The dragon beast swung a massive claw towards Rianna, Ayami screeching that the vampire could no longer be a coward. The faun agreed, and she landed heavily on her hooves. As the dragon spun, heavy bright green fumes boiling from his mighty nostrils his deadly eyes focused right on her. He jeered, and seemed to laugh before lean back, steady his body - and pound right for them.

    Philomel summoned energy, and slammed one hoof down hard into the ground. As she did so she launched herself high into the air, an arc much larger and faster than the average beings. As she did she pulled out two massive swords from their sheaths. They sung a delightful and joyous melody as their metals resounded and the faun was in the air - a mythril white in her right hand and a steel ivory-toned one in the left.

    Condemningly she aimed herself right at the zombie dragons head, her eyes for him and no one else.

    But the other of her relationship was more wise.

    Veridian sighed as he dismissed his beloved faun's grinning launch as pure attitude. Her presuming that she could conquer this being head on. Having seen what the dragon had said Veridian considered that there was more to him than meets the eye. Seizing his chance at her determination of a head on collision he slid to a halt by the vampire and the rabbit spirit. Looking at them with bright, intelligent eyes he tapped quietly before indicating either side of the dragon's body.

    Around the outside, he gestured with his snout. Then he scrabbled at the ground, finding an area of dirt. There were enough of those. 'Flank' he wrote, as Philomel engaged at full front assault.

    "You will not conquer me, foul goat-beast!" the dragon was roaring.

    The fox-spirit huffed, then prodded at the word 'flank' once more.

    Then he grinned. And quintupled in size, his coat beginning to bristle with flame.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  6. #6
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Here goes nothing indeed! Rianna's mind finishes echoing as her hot fiery blue orbs fell on Ayami's gliding form. A wry grin came to the assasin's lips as she reached forward and gripped Ayami tightly by the hem of her pinkish-black lace dress. Tugging the nuisance of a rabbit ghost girl towards her, a smile was on her lips as she hissed darkly "Hope your ready to fly Ayami!"

    "What the hell do you think you're doing Miss Mizami?!" Ayami screeched her pink hues widening as she felt the wind rustling her dress and her flowing locks of hair. Her scream grew louder as Ri finished winding her up for the toss and then hurled the small bunny ghost girl straight at the dragon's flank, like Veridian had hinted might be its weak point.

    Rianna grins widely as she hissed with clenched fangs "Just use something to attack it stupid Ayami! Your a magic being I'm sure! Show me your power if you like to brag and poke and prod me to face my fears! I've seen nothing to merit that you yourself no what you are doing!"

    "Well shit..." the pink haired rabbit mutters under her breathe, closing her pink orbs, black pink fire begins to glow around her body, as the chill temperature begin to heat up. The thick black fog begin to disperse as the spirit rabbit girl begin to glow like a bright blazing pinkish black sun. Her power begin to flow through the chilly black mist as she hurled like a well-timed missile towards the dragon's flank.

    The heat of her magic could be felt as Phi launched her attack at the foul undead beast, Ayami hurtled towards the mystic zombie dragon, her aim true. But, right before she could connect with the soft flank of the rotting dragon, the beast felt her heat and batted her away like an annoying fly. Stumbling hard against the limestone floor. The bunny spirit could see stars floating in front of her eyes as she screeched "Damn it Rianna! Next time warn me before your going to hurl me at a very deadly zombie dragon!" she then brushed herself off and floated back up into the misty battlefield, a great sword of black fire forming in her tiny hands as she screamed "Payback you stupid undead dragon!" the bunny rabbit girl looked almost comical flailing the giant fire sword around in her little hands as she charged at the dragon now, her aura of black-pink flames pulsing around her as she screams "You're going to die now!"

    Ri smiles as she begin to lurk her way through the shadowy part of the cave, a wry smile on her face as she thought Good! That riled Ayami up to the point now, where she's in a rage and just wants to kill the stupid undead dragon! Makes my job easier...maybe now I can get a stealth strike in on the stupid creature and end the fight once and for all!

  7. #7

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
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    "Your life," she screamed, "Ends ... NOW!"

    And as she ran she let her wilder side take over. Simply for effect her body began to morph and transform. Muscles rolled, the main bulk of her form grew larger, heftier, larger. Nearly six inches did she grow in height, with her face steadily enlonging to form that of a natural goats. Still, she ran on two hooves, two legs, charging at her quarry head on and letting out the angriest, most hateful bleat. Fury was her friend in this time, rage her ally, and she haphazardly, with little thought, threw herself right at the dragon's head - all the while her body began to grow with more thick, lucious chestnut fur, so she ended with a mane running all the way down her back.

    Twisting his head to her, the dragon slowly grinning his half-fleshy face. A grusome smile that was partly empty jaw and a scarred eye jeered at her. Steadily the maw opened, a long breath being taken in as the three-quarters goat bleated out a savage, faunish war cry ... but she was faster. As the fire began to spit out - first sparks, and then a heavy tongue of green, sickly flame - Philomel pounded a hoof on the ground. Then she flew, high and brave into the air above the fire at the same time as a rabbit spirit ...

    Was thrown. Philomel raised her brows, but shook herself out of the confusion as she assailed down. Right down to the dragons neck, nestled between his crooked horns and spines. Once there she began to harshly batter away at his skin, her eyes roaming madly at trying to find a weaker spot. For zombies had exposed flesh, and thus a weakness. The dragon let out a moan and twisted in various forms, moving an arm to try to batter her away - as if ridding himself of an irritating pest. Great claws attacked her from the air, and then he huffed, and threw up his head to try to dislodge her. The faun, however, was ready, and had a firm grip. As she felt the beginnings of the first toss that he did, she growled and plunged down with her white bladed sword as hard as she could. It jarred through scale, then flesh a couple of inches - but it was enough.

    Enough to endure the trembling and protesting throwbacks of the dragon's head that enshewed.

    Meanwhile Veridian stood there, looking confused. He tilted his head to the side as he watched Ri toss the rabbit spirit right into the air. Ayami was hurled, like a shotput, right over the entirety of the monster's form, towards the back leg. It took him a while to understand it, before he realised Rianna had mistunderstood his suggested term, "flank," for the physical part of the beast, rather than the verbal action, "to flank."

    After a pause, he grunted a piece of laughter, and jumped over the green flames coming his way. Wriggling his tail he paused before launching himself at full run around the other side of the dragon, heading to the opposite side that Ayami was. As he flew like the wind his body began to morph, much like his beloved's. Paw-step, paw-step and he began to grow, quintupling in size rapidly until a full five metre fox pace there, from nose to tail. Letting out a roar of challenge he let his body burst into flame, so his coat became a rippling whirlwind of fire and embers. Whistling through the air he let Philomel be a distraction, racing to the other flank (physical) of the beast of beasts, his paws scraping on golden coins for the first time.

    And then he lunged, jaws agape. Straight for the dragon's awkwardly outstretched limb. Flanking the flanks.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

  8. #8
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Rage was pulsing inside the ghost bunny girl's heart, her pinkish eyes were darker almost burning with intense hate for the undead dragon in front of her. It had been awhile since she had to actually fight a powerful being. Her goals had normally been to teach those who were weaker, or needed a lesson in life on how to survive. Her small hands tightened around the large pink fire sword in her hands as she was slashing and hacking away at the zombie beast, the rabbit spirit had realized that rage was pulsing inside the ghost bunny girl's heart, her pinkish eyes were darker almost burning with intense hate for the zombie dragon in front of her. It had been awhile since she had to actually fight a powerful being. Her goals had normally been to teach those who were weaker, or needed a lesson in life on how to survive.

    Her small hands tightened around the large pink fire sword in her hands as she was slashing and hacking away at the zombie beast, the rabbit spirit had realized what Veridan was trying to imply. Flank the creature! Attack it from all sides, so it has no break to catch its breathe! Tilting her head slightly, her eyes flashed at Rianna trying to get the spoiled Mizami heiress to realize what the fox spirit was implying. Seeing the vampiress skulking through the shadows, she realized what the slinky assasain was trying to do. As she heard the dragon let out a deafening roar, her orbs saw the faun transform into a huge creature of the earth, her attacks became twice as vicious as she watched the faun's blade sink into the rotting flesh of the ancient beast they were attacking.

    Using this as a moment of opportunity, the little bunny girl begin to jam her sword deep into the putrid beasts flesh, she could hear the dragon's roars becoming louder, angrier as the zombie beast howled angrily "DAMN YOU CREATURES TO HELL! MAY MY FLAMES BURN YOU ALL TO ASHES! Ayami then gulped as she could feel a rumbling from where she was gripping the creature's decomposing skin. The acrid smell reached her small nostrils and she cringed, a slight cough escaping from her lips as she continued to relentlessly assault the beast hoping her strikes would delay the inevitable burst of acid flames that she could feel the dragon's stomach was building up too.

    Rianna meanwhile was carefully making her way to the creature's rear, her attacks were always stealthy or at least in secret if she could pull it off. Plus she knew compared to Philomel's strength and hell even to Ayami's might she was not on par. If she didn't want to find herself in death's grasp she had to do what she did best. Which was attack the mighty zombie dragon while it was distracted by the others. Inching her way against the cold limestone wall, she soon found herself inching across the wet misty cavern. Once she was close enough to smell the putrid odor of the zombie dragon's tail, she made her move.

    Reaching quickly forward, she managed to grab hold of one of the spike's gracefully arching its way up the zombie dragon's tail. Carefully she begin to race her way up the tail, until she reached the back of the mythical horrid creature's rear side. Flipping her sai's forward she begin to slash at the creature's backside, using all her might to inflict as much damage as her simple weapon could muster. The cavern walls begin to shake from the bulky's beasts quick bucks it begin to do to try to dislodge now the faun, the bunny ghost girl and the vixen vampriess that had managed to latch onto its form.

    In a voice filled with rage the zombie dragon hissed I SHAN'T BE BEATEN THIS EASILY! He then let his arc of acid breathe had formed go, a blaze of horrifying green flame begin to fill the misty gray cavern, as the beast wasn't holding anything back now. He now was trying to kill the troublesome treasure hunters that had entered his lair. He had protected this vast treasure trove for many a year, and he wasn't about to let some greedy thieves make off with what belonged to him!

    Rianna meanwhile groaned heavily as she shrieked "Careful! Watch out for the fucking flames! They'll burn us all to death!" Fear had her heart racing as she ducked down, fearful her sensitive body would turn to ash from the deadly flame attack.

    Ayami meanwhile shrieked with fury as she held out one hand and a mystical pinkish light begin to glow. Within seconds a pinkish-red shield had formed around the party. While the bunny girl used her sword as an anchor to keep her grip on the dragon. In a loud voice she screamed "Don't worry everyone! This shield should keep us safe from the fire!"

  9. #9

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
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    Flames? Ha, they were pouring from his maw and Philomel - well she was on his neck.

    As he tossed his head around like a wild mare, she grabbed hold of her sword Nameless, bellowing out a challenge back to him with the greatest, loudest bleat she could utter. In faunish she cried: "YOU SHALL DIE TONIGHT!" and jeered with her tremendous goat head. As the green fire illuminated her she grew all the more greedy for death to come, a wicked grin forming over the fearsome face of hers, pulling back the upper lip in a freaky gloat. The dragon was not amused - rather he began to shriek as he suddenly leant down onto his forelegs. Philomel meanwhile was still clutching hold of her sword that was thickly imbedded into his flesh. Of course, this was not killing him, he was a zombified creature of the undead after all, and mere wounds only sliced and diced him. She glared at his meat as it slipped off his corpse in sloppy wastes, and managed to catch a breath as he ceased his fire.

    But then - then his tensed muscles released energy. His improper bow of the forelegs rightously excelled into a superb rear. Truly now like the wild stallions he released another jet of flame, truly trying to shake the now three creatures that scurried over his form. Veridian, further down, had latched himself onto the leg and was ripping aside flesh with his huge jaws, growling as he did so. Flames rippled up and down his back but he was so irritated that he used his claws and teeth - primary instinct taking over to kill as one would do in the true wilderness. He gripped on as the dragon thumped back down to earth, and heard the clattering of thousands of coins as they were spilled over the floor. Onto more treasure.

    Philomel hissed and with one hand gripped Nameless as her other arm stretched behind her back and unleashed the hell of her other blade. Madly, taking this one, the Rabbit in hand, she began to cut yet more carvings into the dragon's neck. As she did so she pushed Nameless in deeper, making atrue anchor for herself and anyone else who needed one, as Veridian hissed, his own eyes now watching the strange pink light that was surrounding them. Each of them. A see through globe. A ... shield?

    Philomel, he yelled at the beast who was his beloved, who had been concetrating all this time on damage. We are shielded.

    Just kill this damn thing! Philomel hissed, now skipping up onto her feet. Still holding Nameless, she leapt up into the air, then brought her goat self slamming back down to earth. As she did she sent a jarring, hellish quake of intense power and energy that rippled right into the dragon's neck. It was savage, and brutal, cutting through bone, muscle and vein, not caring what was dead and what might be still alive. There was a sickening crack as the dragon let out a gasp, slumping to the earth from the pressure of the mighty earthquake.

    "Serves you right," Philomel bleated. And she continued to strike as the dragon was downed.
    *admin at your service*

    Matriarch of the Gilded Lily and of its brothels, associated establishments and the army.

    The family triplet: Philomel, Vaeron and Celandine.
    The god and kenku triplet: Stare, Avin and Vixen.
    The Primordials: Professor Charles and Moros.

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