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  1. #1
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    The rabbit ghost girl guide came and circled around Verdian, her eyes were bright with interest as she said softly "Your powerful aren't you fox? You seem to be connected with ancient magic!" her little hand reached out to touch the fox's soft shining fur, as her curious voice continued "You know a lot about these caves fox don't you?" There was a mischievous glint to the bunny girl's bright orbs as she continued to glide around the fox as they made their way through the cold glistening caves.

    The sound of the ancient stream gurgling through could be heard by the party, as they made their way down the winding limestone trails of the cavern. Hearing the fox's spirits exclamations that the jade dragon's were a sign pointing towards the treasure they sought. Rianna went up to place her hands on the grinning open mouth of one of the intricately carved jade dragon's grinning mysteriously against the cold limestone walls.

    Her heart was starting to beat rapidly as worry and fear was in her voice as she muttered "I wonder what this could mean? Turning to her companion, she asked the faun seriously "These dragon's could be a symbol for more then just pointing the way towards the riches we seek. Danger could be waiting for us as well Phi..." her body was rigid at just that thought and her mind was screaming I really should have brought Malik with me. He's daddy's bodyguard, he could've protected me from any danger that we encountered. Instead, I"m stuck taking care of myself. Which I really don't want to do! she slowly removed her hand from the glistening green jade dragon. She could feel the chill from touching the stone race through her body and she took this from an ominous sign. Her arms instinctively wrapped around her body, to chase the cold away, as her face was irritated, annoyed at the situation she had found herself stuck in.

    Seeing the assassin's posture, Ayami couldn't help but float away from Phi's fox spirit companion, and she begin to circle around her charge she had been tasked with leading to treasure. Not wanting to miss a moment to tease her she said softly, but their was a tone to her voice "Somebody is a princess! You really like having others do all the work for you don't you miss Rianna? Well little Mizami lass, what did I tell you from the very beginning? YOU HAVE TO EARN WHAT YOU SEEK! Now come! Follow through!"

    The red haired vixen groaned loudly, the sound escaping from her lips before she could stop it. Turning to glare at her pink haired ghost bunny companion, her voice was irritated as she stated softly "I get it brat bunny! Your making me push myself, even if I don't like it!" Heat came into her luminous blue orbs as she finished "I"ll succeed and get my treasure Ayami! You'll see!" she then turned to Philomel her expression softer as she said lightly "Let's have your fox lead the way Phi! If he knows where the treasure is, then he'd be best to guide the way!" she then turned to Ayami and stuck out her tongue at the mysterious pink haired bunny guide. The teasing nature clear as she was taunting Ayami to say differently.

    Ayami merely brushed off the vampiress vixen teasing as she said briskly "Why don't your fox and I both lead the way miss faun? That way we won't miss any clues or hints to where the treasure lies!"
    Last edited by Nightspoison; 10-09-2017 at 04:50 PM.

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