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  1. #1

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Mao? Veridian asked, reaching for the rabbit-guide's mind.

    Then he shook his head, huffing. Not a Mao. Cannot even touch her mind.

    Philomel frowned as the bunny creature spoke, watching the way that it was both human and rabbit at the same time. She agreed with Veridian - it was indeed like their newest companion - the small black and white rabbit Philomel had called Mao. Mao was a quiet animal, and quite fully beast, though she had been born of an anicent forest guardian, and possessed some intriguing magics herself. It was those magics that had made the fox-form earth-spirit interested initially, thinking that if Mao could take the powers of another, then maybe she could take a hybrid form like this.

    But no. She could not even talk, let alone begin to gain the intelligence to ask a question.

    "Welcome, welcome! What brings you to The Caverns of Luck? Hunting treasure as well?"

    I like it, Veridian decided, It is cute. May we keep it?

    Sighing, Philomel removed her hand from the hilt of one of her swords, which she had grasped at the appearance of others. Which sword precisely it was had not mattered - really she had just been bothered about danger. Now though that they were just asking after them being here, and who they were - well. That was not threatening talk. A fight was not going to break out ... yet.

    "My name is Phi- ... Just Phi," she said, deciding to keep her name simple, in case they had heard of her and perhaps considered her an enemy already. One could not be too careful. "And this is Veridian." Beside her the fox flashed his sharp teeth, just to say hello. "We are searching for ... well, we are not sure. A myth, in a way." With a smile coming to her lips, she shrugged. "What are you here for? These caverns are rather ornate, would you not say?"

    She nodded over to the jade and gold, natural and beaten into the walls. Her eyes danced over them briefly, before looking back to the rabbit girl and her - was that a vampire? - comrades.

    Studying the vampire further she found the pale skin, bright red hair and vivid eyes likely meant that she was indeed one of the night folk. Not that Philomel had had much experience with them, but then who could have had much experience with fauns, rare as they were.

    Letting her smile grow wider, she looked back to the rabbit girl.

    "And who are you two?"

  2. #2
    Junior Member


    Rianna Azure Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Ayami was floating around the faun, like the hyper bunny spirit girl she was. She wanted to reach out and touch the pretty purple hair, and she was intrigued by the man shiny weapons at the woman's hip. The fox spirit intrigued the ghost rabbit as well. Circling close to the fox, Ayami reached out her small hand to touch his fur as she muttered "Your cute!" She then turned her little frame, her pink eyes shining with glee as she grabbed the edges of her pink and white dress she gave a little curtsy as she exclaimed "I'm Ayami! I"m a rabbit guide helping Miss Mizami here find treasure!" Winking her rose eyes at the fox she whispered "She's very unlucky!"

    The cold air of the cave opening was making Rianna shiver, because their was very little heat down hear, her body still wasn't dry from its dunk in the pool. Her lips were thin, her fangs not showing in the slightest as the lithe assassin thought Dammit Ayami!If I didn't need your help, I'd leave right now! Ugh, why does my luck have to be so bad? All I want is to live in the lap of luxury, to do what daddy asks and not have any problems! But that never happens, Sivienna always thwarts my plans!

    As Ayami answered who she was and gave the dark beauty's last name, Ri let silence hang in the air before she gave her answer. She needed to finish her thoughts first, Now, I have to deal with an earth creature, a faun, she smells different from my half brat of a sister, but still;something about her reminds me of Sivi! her crimson hues looked at the faun's fox spirit as her thoughts finished Maybe its the fox, it reminds me of Sivi's pet kistune too much!

    Shaking her still damp hair, Ri let some of the water droplets fall onto the natural limestone flooring of the cavern, as the gold and jade glittered around her pert form, she tried to smile lightly as she introduced herself "Ayami already gave my last name, but I'm Rianna Mizami. I am searching for treasure, Ayami is my guide. Its meet you Phi." the assasain said softly, as she shifted from foot to foot, nervous because she could sense great power from Phi, which meant this woman was powerful just like her sister.

    Why me? Why do I always run into powerful woman? The fiery minx thought stubbornly, as she whispered to Ayami "Can you lead me to the surprise you spoke of? I really do need that treasure Ayami!"

    "Impatient are we Ri?" Ayami giggled softly, as her rose orbs were still fixed on Phi's spirit friend, as she finished "Will leave as soon as our new friends are ready to go little vampire!"

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