"Stop holding back!" The man suddenly yelled. "You were one of the Boss's greatest enforcers. What happened to you?" The robed man asked in disbelief. "Was all of your reputation a lie?" The man added. He tossed a green bolt of pain towards Nosdyn.

Nosdyn deflected it with his sword, sending the bolt flying towards one of the walls of the tavern...

"...Go home." Nosdyn suddenly said. "Report that you killed me." Nosdyn was attempting to bargain.

The robed figure hesitated for a moment at what he was hearing. "You really want out...?" The man was confused by what Nosdyn was saying. But he was willing to listen to the Haidian. Hear the fellow out. "Did Stonevale really get to you that much?"

Nodyn deactivated his weapon at that point. "I'm not going back..." He suddenly said.

Then it all went to shit. "Fuck! Lars!" Nosdyn yelled. He looked at his former compatriot. "Get out, I think they mean to kill us both as evidence or some bullshit."

"Fucking effective." The agent said in a surprisingly relaxed sort of way. The first of the explosive cocktails came crashing through the window. "Nosdyn...they will never accept you for what was in your past. Are you okay with this...?" The agent asked.

"Report I was killed. I swear I will never bother The Boss again. I pledge my honour on it." Nosdyn said, he was deadly serious.

"All right. I'll report you were killed but are you going to be all right on your own?" The agent asked.

Nosdyn nodded. "I've survived worse than a mere building collapsing on top of me." Nosdyn said.

With that the agent nodded. He opened up a dimensional gate for himself and stepped through it, a moment later Nosdyn was alone in a burning building...


"He helped us Lars, are you sure about this?" The owner of the establishment was yelling at Lars.

Lars had specific orders at that point...it had been decided. "His kind don't have a place in The Rangers." Lars looked at his companions, guards and a few others. "Make sure his body is found. Burn it down!" Lars hated deep ops missions, those were the worst but the parcel he'd acquired from Nosdyn was worth it. Civilians were nearby watching as the guards and some of Rangers burned the establishment down with Nosdyn presumably in it...


Nosdyn replaced his hood on his head as the building burned down. He'd survived worse...escaped worse.

He looked at the direction of the building as it burned down there were people yelling in the nearby section of Radasanth proper. Nosdyn sighed. "Lars...so be it." Nosdyn whispered to himself as he walked away with the building crumbling down...


"You have the item in question yes...?" The figure asked of Nosdyn.

"The forgery you provided will fool them for a bit." Nosdyn removed the true item from his packs. Hunting old relics and items of that nature had become a bit of a hobby for Nosdyn. One of those times he'd hunted such a relic the thief Elf named Jake interrupted and it all went to shit. "Here is the relic." Nosdyn hesitated for a moment half expecting this or that self-proclaimed Hero to interfere. Nobody showed up that time...

The hidden figure was handed the wrapped of relic. "The Talisman of the All-Thayne." The figure suddenly said. "What do you want in exchange...?"

But Nosdyn was already gone...