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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Reality returned back to normal as Nosdyn left the chambers of The Observers.

    One of them appeared nearby once Nosdyn's mind settled down with all he had just learned. N' there in Concordia. What does that mean...? Nosdyn found himself momentarily struggling with the weight of his mission. He looked at The Observer that appeared before him. "Was there something else?" Nosdyn asked after a moment or two.

    "You are troubled by something." The Observer said carefully.

    "The followers of N'Jal tend to be Undead in nature." Nosdyn said carefully. "They wanted me to do something for her...but I had the will power to resist her influence as tempting as it was." Nosdyn temporarily recalled the delicious screams of the followers of N'Jal.

    "Nosdyn...things won't always be easy. But allow me the opportunity to thank you for what must come to pass." The Observer said. "I am certain you have many questions but I assure you they will all be answered in due time." The Observer explained.

    Nosdyn was studying the expressions of the fellow. His eyes narrowed as he looked at The Observer. "I just thought of something." Nosdyn said very carefully.

    The Observer raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

    Nosydn tapped his own forehead for a moment. "This could all be in my head." The though was not unknown to him, it had happened before. And he'd grown rightly paranoid in his older age. Nosdyn looked very carefully at the person claiming to be The Observer. "Prove to me that I'm not walking into some sort of a death-trap." Nosdyn said calmly.

    "You are after N'Jal after all." The Observer said calmly. "And she has already moved against you."

    Nosdyn thought back to something and then it all hit him like a lightning bolt. The kiss! The Undead's kiss....Get out, this is a trap! Nosdyn suddenly reached behind himself and grabbed the approaching armed hand that was attempting to back-stab him. He was not built for speed, but he was paranoid. And had strong will power. Nosdyn knew that N'Jal's follower had not fully duped him. He grabbed the creature's hand and used his strength to disarm her. Then, he shoved her away. He looked at The Observer who was talking earlier, they were followers of N'Jal. Damn...I almost walked right into this.

    "H-how did you know?" The stunned female Undead said as she looked up at Nosdyn from her position on the ground.

    The first follower, pretending to be The Observer looked at Nosdyn with curiosity.

    Nosdyn tapped the side of his head. "You can't influence what has noting to belong to." Nosdyn shook his head. "You two have one chance before I decide to horribly torture you. Tell me where N'Jal is and I will CONSIDER letting you go." Nosdyn was deadly serious.

    But the first follower had a different idea. "Not sure how you broke through our influence skills, but I have a different plan instead." He ran up towards Nosdyn and suddenly grabbed Nosdyn's shoulders with supernatural speed.

    Nosdyn growled as he was teleported away. Stupid...stupid... He thought to himself as they moved through the nether. The followers whisked Nosdyn to a far off remote section of Corone. There, they dropped Nosdyn. He landed in a crumbled heap but was still conscious. Pain coursed through his body. "Is that all you cowards can do?!" Nosdyn yelled.

    The follower who had grabbed him appeared before Nosdyn. "You're in our web now. You leave when N'Jal...what!!??"

    Nosdyn had enough. His weapon was already ignited and pierced through the mid-section of the follower. He was already burning up in ash. "No more games. I'm through with games, I'm not a weak-minded fool that you can just fuck with." Nosdyn plunged his weapon into the body of the creature before him. His eyes were full of shock and agony. The smell of sulphuric acid burned through the air. Nosdyn turned to look at the other follower. "Buy your life." Nosdyn said calmly as he walked towards her. "If you value living you have one chance at this."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 04-18-2019 at 01:19 PM.

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