They were far from Radasanth at that point. Far from the noise and the corruption of civilization. Nosdyn and his companion built a decent campfire in the small but relatively comfortable cave they'd discovered. The girl sat next to him. Nosdyn kept his eyes on the campfire for a long moment thinking about what to do next. His mind considered something. "Can she be defeated?" Nosdyn asked the girl.

The girl looked up at him with her inquisitive gaze. "Cronen killed Lord Draconus. The Thayne can be killed." She moved so she was next to him, feeling his warmth. Demons were hot blooded and came from a very hot region of Althanas proper.

Nosdyn nodded. "You're cold." He wrapped his arm around her form to warm her. It was the least he could do to keep her warm.

"Thank you..I have been tired for a long time." She explained. "In The Fold...that is...N'Jal's followers there's a lot of in fighting and back stabbing. The structure is maintained by The Priesthood. It is the will of N'Jal. We all though her will was absolute."

"The Influence of N'Jal can be severed." Nosdyn said.

"There was one...Lorenor. A Priest of N'Jal who was betrayed by the very order he upheld." She looked at him. "The Priesthood gave Lorenor a forged copy of a book known as the Necronomicon. Lorenor discovered this treachery and realized there was no loyalty within the ranks of N'Jal. The one named Sei Orlouge found him and his companion."

"I've heard stories of the legendary Ixian Knights." Nosdyn nodded as he held her in close.

"The Ixians had a rite called Reformation. It was said to purge the darkness out of anyone. They saved Lord Lorenor." She cuddled against The Demon's warm body. "I wish I could undergo Reformation like he has done."

Nosdyn thought about what she was saying. He instinctively started to gently run his hand through her hair. "Perhaps there is another way for liberation."

"I have The Black Blood. How do you plan on freeing me from that?" It was a simple question...with deep implications.

"You've already taken your steps to freedom." Nosdyn said. "Perhaps we cannot do Reformation directly...but I have a different solution."

Nosdyn knew she was already bound to him...and he to her.

Nosdyn looked deeply into her eyes for a moment. "I want you to turn me." He suddenly said. "I want to test the potency of The Black Blood."

"Master...are you certain?" She was surprised by his request.

"You are not alone anymore and we'll deal with this together." He no longer had ties to Tular Plains, being an exile but perhaps....this woman in his arms would help him find his true destiny.

She placed her hands on his face. "Only if this is what you what you truly want." She did not want to put her curse in him...but in his strength she saw a hope.

"My people have always been strong." Nosdyn began. "In you I see something I want for myself though."

"And that?" She asked.

"I want my Destiny back." Nosdyn knew, when he was exiled from the Tular Plains his story had ended. At that point, The Demon did not hold back anymore and he kissed his companion deeply.

She kissed him back in their warm and perhaps, forbidden embrace.

"I am ready." Nosdyn said, he stood up for a moment. And she followed suit.

"It will hurt." She said with some degree of hesitation.

"I am used to pain." Nosdyn responded, and he meant that.

She slowly walked towards his well chiseled form. Her jaw opening...


He was on the ground as the transformation took a grip on his heart.

"Just as I thought." She said calmly to him.

Nosdyn opened his eyes at that moment. "I can see you." He said to her and slowly got off the ground.

The bite marks on his person from where she transferred The Black Blood into his body were gory.

She nodded calmly. "It is healing..." She said with surprise.

Nosdyn balanced himself and his muscles were tightened into a knot. "When you hunger you can feed on ME. Always." The Demon said.

She realized what that meant. Overtime of feeding on him The Black Blood would leave her shattered form. "I can be free..."

"There..." Nosdyn suddenly said as The Demonic blood naturally cleansed the black ichor. "It is as I thought. Undeath can be cured." Nosdyn said, he was tired the rite of passage had taken a lot out of him.

She quickly hugged her lord and savior. He hugged her back.

There was no need to back home...there was no home to go back to. There in the mountain range of Corone proper they could stay to the end of time.