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    EXP: 2,021, Level: 2
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    sorrow-summit's Avatar


    Koreena Lynn Cronen

    Temper, Temper. -open-

    Koreena Cronen shoved her foot into her heeled boot, the leather cool against her shin. A fluster hand ran through her dark locks that were littered with white streaks, the loose waves swayed before settling back down. She gave herself a once over in the mirror, shrugging at the simple white shirt that clung to her curvaceous form like a second skin, her skirt that most ladies her age wouldn't dare to wear. The jean fabric stopped just above mid thigh, it allowed her dark-sun kissed complexion to peek out. As she nodded once at her reflection she made her way out of the room she was occupying at the Weeping Willow. Her heels clicked softly against the old wood flooring as she nodded somberly at one of the other patrons renting a room.

    Stepping outside KC was greeted with the light of the sun. Golden rays licked her arms with gentle kisses of warmth. The day tasted like light, bubbly on her tongue and sugary as it went down, making everything from the ends of her toes to the tips of her fingers tingle. A shiver of delight ran up her delicate spine. Drunk with the freedom of her twin brother, her absent father that she was getting awfully good at avoiding, she waltzed down the street. Her carefree mood quickly ended when she was shouldered checked by a townsmen. Stumbling backwards she tried catching her balance only to have her backside to meet the hard ground.

    "Hey!" She growled with annoyance.

    Swiftly she stood up, brushing herself off. Her striking blue eyes narrowed as she squared her shoulders facing the brute that didn't know how to watch where he was going.

    Slowly the man turned, his own face turned into a scowl.

    "Watch where you are going, lass." He grunted.

    Something snapped in the fiery girl as she took her index finger and prodded into the man's chest. "Listen here you ignorant ass." She said through clenched teeth.

    He caught her small wrist, his large hand engulfing it quickly. He tossed it aside and stepped closer her. She cocked her head sideways, her long locks spilling to the side. Her chest rose and fell as she could hear her own blood pulsing in her ears. She was certain that if not for her slightly darker complexion she would be flushed with anger. The man puffed out his chest like a pride filled rooster would.

    "Do you know who I am?" He growled.

    A small giggled escaped her lips, the sound almost giving away her true age which her attributes shielded. Her gaze ran over the swollen brute, as she shook her head.

    "Do you know who I am?" She quipped back.

    The man stepped back, his face twisted with confusion or shock she wasn't sure. "No-no I don't." He stuttered for a moment.

    "Good then we both are in the same playing field." She grinned, in one fluid motion her hand shot out and connected with the man's Adam's apple. His eyes grew wide with shock as his hand clamped around his throat as he fell to his knees. Koreena stepped closer, her hand tangled into his thick locks as she forced him to look at her. "For the record, I am Koreena Cronen." With that she tossed his head off to the side and walked around him and off down the street. The murmur of the towns folk filling her ear as a coy smirk danced across her plush lips.
    Last edited by sorrow-summit; 05-06-2019 at 04:10 PM.

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