Koreena felt a coy smile dance across her plush lips. Her body automatically responded to the horned male, Charles. She was the daughter of a powerful demigod, a once beautiful succubus. Her face didn’t falter from its flirtatious stance but a pang of sadness gripped her chest when she thought of her deceased mother. It had barely been a full moon’s cycle since she was killed.

Mentally she shook such somber thoughts from her mind. She focused on the handsome creature in front of her. A small melodic laugh spilled from her ruby red lips, she shook her head at such a silly question. Yes she was young to most but she was hybrid of to species that matured quickly, especially the women. Her father and mother had mated not for love but simply for the act, her mother was very open when explaining the nature of the relation of her and the Thayneslayer.

KC felt herself lean towards Charles. She watched as his eyes drank in her long, sun-kissed legs, the way her hips curved out just right, her small, flat stomach and the shirt that had allowed her navel to peek out. Yes she was almost sixteen but she had come into her body three years ago. Her ample breast had blossomed from her chest, the tip of her tongue traced her lips.

“Charles,” his name came more like a purr from her.

“Char,” he said in a firm voice. “Definitely prefer that. Char, liked the charred remains of my cold, black heart,” he grinned a little, inviting her in with his eyes.

She leaned in a little bit more, her breast almost flush against his chest at this point. “I’m not your daughter sweetheart, the night is where I prefer to be.” Her tone was hushed as she let her lower lip catch in between her teeth. She cocked her head to the side, her dark brown locks streaked with white spilling to the side.

“The night? Well. You've caught the right time,” he leant against the bar, taking her in but still within control of himself. “Tell me, how old are you, and I'll … answer any question you like.”

Kc took the beer that was his, she put the mug to her lips and drank with greed. The bitter taste tingled on her tongue and down her throat. She sighed softly as she set the mug aside before placing a hand on her delicate hip.

“I am fifteen but being part succubus and sired from a demigod I am practically matured.”