Koreena grinned before she shook her head at his question, freaked out, no maybe a little turned on by the thought of how experienced he must be. “I am part demon that feeds off having sexual intercorse with other beings, I can change my appearance to please any person. You being an old being that serves the Old Gods isn’t far fetched for me.” Her tone was soft and sulturty as she shifted her weight crossing one leg over the other.

“Served, past tense. They all went in the … Great Calamity.” He paused for a moment as the words slipped from his mouth, his eyes glancing away, out to the general area of the bar as if to see if anyone was watching. “If you have … heard of that. They are the ones who created this world. Not others, likely, but this one.”

KC’s mind wondered on the things he had seen be created, the things he had endured. Her mother had told her once a story about Kalona, also known as the Raven Mocker. He had been a divine creature that’s beauty was beyond breathtaking. She loved when her mother Leila told her the story about the rise and fall of the great Raven Mocker. She used to tell many myths of the Cherokee indians. Was there such a great spirit as Yowa or was it the Greeks that got it right about their ideology of their Gods and Goddesses? Technically each race had their own version of practically the same divine beings.

Her mind swam with the possibilities of everything. “So the ones you served are no longer here, what do you do with yourself now?” She asked softly.

“Well,” his brows rose slightly, then he made a look of vague irritation. “A number of things. But for simplicity's sake, let's say I teach at Tor Elythis university. I teach older history. A little philosophy, politics.” He looked back to her. “And my original name is Charon, rather than Charles. Hence most people prefer Char.”

Koreena grinned as she gave him a once over. “A hot professor, professor Charon. I’d attend your class for certain.” She laughed softly shaking head.

His brows rose even further and his lips parted as he blinked at her. “Well. That's … you'd … be welcome in my class. But then, anyone with a keenness in my subject is welcome.”

“As much as I enjoy history and I do vastly, I wouldn’t be there to take in your lectures.” She ran a hand through her dark locks that were streaked with white. She glanced at the bar wench as she walked by with an empty tray. She pulled out a silver coin placing it on there.

“Spiced red wine please,” she glanced at Char. “Are you still nursing that beer?” She grinned at him.

He looked down at it and then lifted it to chug the down the rest of it. Then he held the empty one out to the barmaid and smiled gently. “Whatever the lady is having.”

She laughed softly as her eyes followed the bar maiden. It only took her a few moments before she returned handing out two wine glasses filled with a dark crimson liquid. She held out her glass to the professor, “to your freedom and profession.”