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    Koreena Lynn Cronen
    Koreena grinned as she let the tip of her tongue trace her plush lips. Slowly she pushed herself away from the table, leaving her glass of wine. She stood up, her gaze still on the professor. “I do love taking advantage of a good opportunity, Professor.”

    She turned on her heels and walked over to the bar, she could feel his hot gaze boring into the back of her. Her hips swayed back and forth as she waited for the bar maiden to finish with her other patrons. Slowly she made her way over to KC, “yes?” Koreena lifted her skirt up a bit, a thigh holster that held her twin daggers and coin purse peeked out. The pub wench looked a little taken back by the girl’s exposed skin.

    She plucked out three silver coins before dropping them on the bar they clinked against the wood and themselves as they fell. “I need a room please,” her voice soft and innocent unlike what she intended to do once in the room. “One facing towards town center, I like to hear the musicians playing at night.” She flashed her a dazzling smile.

    “Course, madam, course.” The pub wench mumbled, hobbling away to receive what she assumed was the key.

    Koreena ran a hand through her soft locks as she rolled her head, stretching her neck out. The bar maiden came back with a key that looked like it was made of brass, she slid it over to the girl. “Madam you gave too much.” Her voice was hoarse as KC shook her unique looking locks with a smile. “No, keep it. I just need a bottle of your spiced red wine.”

    She had a softer side under that rough exterior which the Charon was going to find out soon. She grinned at the thought of sharing a night with him. Usually she gave a speech about no falling in love with her, becoming obsessed because it was often heard of sharing a bed with a succubus can become addicting but with this certain she knew that wouldn’t be the case. They would either develop a bond of some sort of they wouldn’t and just share one wild night.

    With key and bottle in hand she nodded at the pub wench and made her way back to their table. She had a wicked smirk on her face as she held out the key, the room number on it read 333. “Shall we?” she asked, her voice soft and sultry.

    He smiled at her with a curious look and nodded slowly. Straightening his coat he stood, looking at the wine in her hand, then he glanced up at her. “We shall. As long as you promise you are not going to steal my soul.”

    He gave her a small grin.

    She laughed softly shaking her head, “I believe it was you, who said early that your name resembled what your heart looked like. Who knows maybe I’ll be doing you a favor and breathe life back into it again.” She winked.

    “I have little remembrance of who might have said that, but yes. Breathing back life into me would be very much appreciated,” he stepped out beside her. “Where are we headed?” He took up his wine glass from the table, holding it gently in his hand, still a little liquid within.

    “Room three hundred and thirty three. You know some associate that number with the devil. Good thing we will be sinning in there.” She purred, her eyes glancing at the glass in his hand. “You won’t be needing that my love, I’ll be your cup that overflowth.” She gave him another wink.

    He raised his eyebrows but swung back his wine from the glass into his throat and set it down. Slightly he bowed, and gestured for her to lead the way. “I am under your guidance, miss Kora.”

    “Then follow me,” and with that she turned and went up the stairs. She could feel him following close behind her. Her heels clicked softly down the hallway of doors, she watched as the numbers passed by. At the very end of the hall in the corner room it had the number 333 carved into the wood. She grinned, opening the door. She tossed a wicked look over her shoulder at Charon before she ushered him inside. Following in behind him she closed the door, locking it from the inside.
    Last edited by sorrow-summit; 05-06-2019 at 05:37 PM.

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