I was glad of the drug I had been willingly taking these twenty years of my freedom. It meant the entire idea of intercourse had come with less worries. I already had one daughter, I did not need another, and so without difficulty I smiled. And I murmured to her, breaking the kiss.

“You … are quite something. I would do that a thousand times over.”

I was truly satisfied. She had taken me in a way that had required equality, and will, and had been her and I from the start. I gazed into her eyes as my member calmed.

She laughed softly as she unmounted me. “Well I’d gladly worship your body again any time.” She grabbed the bottle of wine and drank greedily before offering it to me.

I chuckled back as I sat up and took it, my heartrate beginning to slow. “And I yours.” I drank deep for a moment before I relaxed, leaning back on a hand. “So, was that all inherent skill or were you taught?”

She looked shocked at my question for a moment before she smiled. “I am only half succubus but even then it comes naturally and I haven’t even inherited half of the powers that succubi get.” She thought for a moment, “actually the only magic I have of a succubus right now is being able to change my appearance to please others.”

My brows rose a little and I nodded in a form of appreciation. I looked at her brown hair, streaked with white, and her eyes as blue as mine. I paused, remembering what she had told me about coming into her form when she was thirteen and I felt a sense of familiarity. I had been that young once, and with a body as developed. It had been strange, but I had been so fast to come to terms with it.

“Is this your true form?” I asked.

Koreena slowly climbed over as she laid on her side next to me. She bit her lip but this time not sexually, her brows pulled together as she thought for a moment. “I am not certain, my mother had a true form but she was a full succubi. I am only half, I guess I will find out when my other powers develop. There isn’t much knowledge on halflings because I presume most keep to their own species.”

I nodded slowly. “Well I am how you see me completely, as I stepped from Khaos,” I smiled and swept a hand from my horns to my bare feet, taking in my naked form. My breathing had returned to normal, as had my heartrate. “All my siblings were born in a similar state.”

Her hand rested on my chest as she let her index finger trace soothing patterns. “And what a magnificent true form it is.” She smiled at me. “How many siblings do you have?”

I laughed a little softly. “More than I care to admit. I emerged near the beginning alongside Eros and Hypnos. Then Morningstar came,” I rolled my eyes slightly, “the Morai, the Cupids, the Fates … many. Around a hundred, maybe?”

Koreena laughed softly shaking her head. “Wow that is Indeed a lot and I thought having a twin was challenging enough.”

“When you consider we are our own race,” I shrugged slightly, smiling more. “You never know. You may have come across one, once.” I lifted myself up onto an elbow, rolling onto my side. “Tell me about your twin and your family.”