Day three.

The day itself passed in silence and very little of anything.

That night, however ... her thirst got the better of her.

Water had been placed for her in plentiful reach. When the pain of her throat grew too vast she growled deeply, and reached out to snatch a bottle up. Dragging her weary body into a sitting position she slumped in the darkness and drowned her throat in needful liquid, making her body scream as it did. An uncontrollable and uncomfortable headache that she had been dealing with began to ebb, allowing her to breathe freer and stretch somewhat. Indeed, it still was not the full sustenance her body entirely desired - after all, her stomach still lay empty - but, it was still something needed. Once she had finished that bottle she laid the glass to the side and took up another, savouring each drop and letting the satisfaction run through her systems.

Sighing contentedly she fell back against the cushions. Her eyes slid closed as she stayed upright, clawed hand still curled around the neck of the second bottle and her back now resting against the back of the chair. Steadily she breathed as her systems rejoiced in the much needed life source and began to get back to work.

In that itself, a problem arose.

It was the dead of night, and she knew that the door leading beyond to the other rooms was locked. Guards could be there, waiting but it was also possible that they were not. From what also the last few times Zulon had come in and delivered messages or food, it had been Vitruvion's prerogative to unlock the door. That highly meant that only his magic could work it, and that meant her only real choice of bathroom was …

Through the bedroom door. Right where Vitruvion slept.

Peeing into a bottle was both disgusting and beneath her - she was not that kind of being to do so, even considering the mental state she was in. Darkly, she cursed, swearing in thick kenku tongue and grinding hands into her fists. She did not know the time, but hells be it she was not going to wander straight away now. There was a chance morning was coming and soon he would rise from his bed and she could dart in, not having to see him for more than a few minutes. Damn, maybe she could even have a bath.

Odd as it was, even in the mindset she was in, the latter sounded marvellously attractive. And as the minutes slipped by, and her bladder refused to budge it's heaviness she clung to the idea of a long, deep soak in warm water with more and more fervour. Gradually her hammering heart began to slow, her breathing became more regular and she - she actually felt okay for once.

For once. She savoured the moment deeply, letting it warm her form and wrap her in a thousand pleasant memories. Of when she was young, and her family was happy, even though they were outcasts. Of how she had been friends with thieves and murderers, but still terribly safe. Of how she had come to Beinost to have a new life after her whole family had passed and met Skra, that dwarf baker. And then Raevin himself had found her and her entire world had changed …

Damn. Damn. Damn.

Distractions were not working. Her bladder was still pregnant and crying for release. She did not think it was possible without will but it was in danger of spilling itself and now she had been here for possibly an hour, dreaming of baths full of -


She stoppered the bottle finally, and pushed it to the side. Her eyes moved over to the door to the door leading to the rest of the apartments. Surely there would be someone, possibly. Or there was a chance it could be unlocked.

Determination gathering within her she slipped herself as quietly as she could off the couch, and immediately regretted it. Two long days of doing nothing but lying did not help. That and a need for the toilet. Cursing she grabbed the sofa as it got worse, and her wings flapped as they tried to keep her steady, but they were weakened also. She began to drag her sorry and ruined body towards the door. There were violent sounds as her claws scraped along the ground and she ended up groaning because of the pain. It was her own stupid fault, she knew, because she had refused to eat or drink, and this now was her suffering. With a great amount of difficulty she got to the door, and slammed a hand hard down on the handle. Unsurprisingly, it did not budge and only bounced back into her palm unhelpfully.

And agonisingly; a moan of irritation erupted from her beak and several dark curses as she gave up caring. For anything.

Sliding down the door she knew it was only moments before he came - it was inevitable. Extremely weak and shaking she was at a state where she now knew food was her only option. She garbled in kenku how much of an idiot she was as she tipped her head back and laid it against the door, waiting.

The sound of hurried footsteps followed, as well as the soft shifting sounds of the bedroom door opened. No words came out, but strong arms began to wrap themselves around her as she garbled a simple sentence.

“I need to piss.”