It was late evening, and Stare had picked at her meal, leaving around a quarter of the potato cakes, fine quality chicken and roasted vegetables that were all cooked with a honey glaze. Very steadily she breathed as she supported the book upon her lap, still dressed closely in the depths of the blanket. Around mid afternoon she had washed, and come back to find laundered clothes patiently waiting on her, neatly folded on the end of the bed. She chose the plainest tunic and undergarments she saw, tugging them on slowly. Then she had returned to the book, which was entitled ‘All is in the Garden’ and told a story about a gardener and his secret affair with the local Bardsinger’s daughter.

There a tap at the door. Stare braced herself for an onslaught of possible ogling eyes as Vitruvion looked up and there was the now familiar click. After a pause, and hearing no roar from the god, Stare glanced up, and was surprised to see no one at all, aside from Zulon slipping into the room. He nodded.

“We are ready sir … if you are.”

“Indeed,” Vitruvion nodded and set his papers to the side, slipping them now into a large leather pouch. “Stare?” he said, not looking at her.

“What?” she looked surprised, hands tightening around the book, and staring up at him.

“You wanted to go outside.”

Alert suddenly, she perked up, her back straightening and inhaling once, sharply. She slammed the book shut, not caring for once where she was and nodded. “Now?”

“Now,” Vitruvion answered. “It has taken most of the day to ensure the other hosts are out of the Hollow, or at least occupied, and enough guards to be available.” He paused, looking now at her with raised eyebrows. “Or are you now saying-”

Tugging off her blanket she rose fast, smoothing down her tunic. “Is it cold outside?” she asked.

He inclined his head. “Bring your dagger also. It is in your trunk.”

Glancing briefly to Zulon Stare started straight to the bedroom. No matter how he wanted her to dress - even if he had wanted her to wear her full chainmail, Stare would have done so quite happily. This was her chance now, her opportunity no matter how late in the day to finally get out of this hellhole and stretch her legs. Despite it meaning she would need to stride pass ears that had heard wild rumours, Stare was eager to breathe the fresh air. For too many days now had she been down here, with very little to do, and making herself sick because of her own stupidity.

In the bedroom she kicked open the leather trunk that had housed her clothes for her stay here. From it she grabbed a grey woollen cloak, as well as her mythril that was neatly tucked away. Gathering up these items she swung the cloak around her body, and tied the dagger onto her belt, before rejoining Vitruvion who now seemed better to walk. The glint of the end of his new sheath for that golden secret dagger could be spotted by a keen eye akin to her own.

His eyes washed over her once, and there was a lingering smile that touched his lips, a rare, warm softness in his eyes. Stare paused, cautious of it, before he gave her a single nod. Suddenly the warmth was gone and he was back to being formal - his strong, powerful demeanor - and he stepped back to gesture for her to go before him. Eyes glancing over she saw that the door was open, and behind it the half giant Brer waited, huge hammer slung over his shoulder. There was some comfort in seeing that, in seeing her friend that she had made despite the months of incarceration here. Pulling her cloak around her front she started forwards, beak ducking slightly as she stepped from the room in the first time in an entire week.

The room before her had been changed. Gone was the old world of tables and devices with clear metal hoops for chains. Instead, a large table was shoved against the back wall, and on it a collection of assorted objects that did not seem to belong to anybody - blankets, candlesticks, a variety of horse crops and a painting of a young, brown haired dwarf. Aside from the crops there was nothing to remind Stare about this room's former purpose - where Vitruvion had taken her virginity. Now he was something of a different man, with a different attitude entirely as to how to treat her. Stare moved slowly as she took it in, then turned to see the door that led through into the next room.

More guards waited. Three at least, and amongst them Stare spied Jordain. Behind her there was noise and she turned to see Zulon and Vitruvion come out of the antechamber. Briefly the god looked at her, before gesturing for her to go.

Sucking in a short breath she squared her shoulders and began out. As soon as she did the guards who were there already pushed into a formation clearly already decided. Brer draw right to her side, blinking twice at her before looking forwards. Zulon moved his way around to take the lead, and Vitruvion unsurprisingly took up a place right behind her. Turning slightly she spied the face of Sable at the glass partition of her door, gazing out at her. The young woman looked curious, but also had a kind and encouraging look on her face. Stare breathed out and gave her a single nod, not sure of how to deal with the emotions concerning that woman who had changed hers and Vitruvion's relationship so dramatically. If Sable had not burst out with her sudden comprehension, what would have happened? Would life had just gone on, Vitruvion angrily keeping her close and forcing her to follow him everywhere he went like a dog?

It was too late to ask those questions now. Shuffling of feet was sounding and people were beginning to steadily move forwards. Her retinue, her over compensating protection.

Stare twisted back around, and began to walk, hugging the cloak around herself as silently their exodus began their way from the Hollow.