Now in some more thematically appropriate clothing for a soirée, I was shown the way across the hall by the attendant - not as if I couldn't find it myself. I was now wearing clothes that I would have courted some hundreds of years prior, with breeches, a cotton shirt and over that a loose robe of elegant description that had little decoration but a neat cut. When I gained back into the audience chamber of Morningstar's court I saw that many of the attendants had now move aside and the bracken and dried flowers were nearly scattered without any upset. There were no more ladders, no more groups of discussion but rather a gathering was now near the throne. I spied Nyx, alongside Hemera and Geras as she had mentioned - the former with golden hair and short of stature, and the latter a greying man with a permanent frown. Upon seeing me Hemera beamed, whereas Geras just scowled.

As I stepped into full sight, Morningstar twisted around, breaking from the crowd. He gestured at me once, and I sucked in a breath as I resisted rolling my eyes. A moment of quiet descended as many of the people there, which included the scantily clad six I had seen before, watched me approach, my hands buried into pockets.

“Silence is all I asked of you,” he looked at me right in the eyes, as he pulled a halt before me. “Your appearance here, but remain silent.”

My brows rose as I asked again. “Morningstar, who is coming that causes you this amount of tension?”

“You'll see soon enough. Now, can you manage being quiet?” he snarled.

I observed him for a moment, knowing that if there was something I needed to say, depending on the situation, I would say it. If it came to preserving my life most definitely. But else - this was not my audience. As my eyes flickered around I realised that most of what this was, was a show. A demonstration of power, with his most useful tools displayed.

Sighing softly, I nodded once. A short-lived satisfied smile came to his face before he stepped back and pointed to a place to the direct right of his throne.

“Stay there, don't be a fool.”

“But I am so wonderful at it,” I grinned, but I began to walk.

When I passed Hemera she gave my arm a small squeeze. As I passed by the main crowd and started up the steps, Morningstar grandly motioned. Twisting around as I came to the right side of his throne I watched as the various groups split and settled into places that had apparently been prearranged. Hemera, Nyx and Geras came to settle in front of me, the six ill-dressed women draped themselves onto fine cushions to the left. Another set of courtiers arranged themselves behind the girls, and a last group of mortal aristocrats and royalty whom had pledged themselves to Morningstar lastly took place on stools in key locations. And in the centre, holding himself with purpose and pride, sat Morningstar in his throne, eyes focused forwards.

Folding my arms I leant back against the wall and allowed myself to prepare to be either entertained or bored as silence fell across us. I noticed one of the scantily clad women lean back against Morningstar's leg and he draped a hand over her shoulder. There was a long moment of silence as we seemed to all be waiting for nothing. Morningstar glanced at me slightly, and I raised an eyebrow back at him, and he frowned.

“A little more decorum, please,” he murmured.

I paused and looked around me, seeing the others standing in perfect straightness, hands clasped before them or held at their sides. Neat, orderly, elegant. This was not a place I wanted to be and it was not constructive to any of my research. But this was his home, and his pageant that, for whatever reason, I was part of. Huffing I leant away from the wall and stood taller, though pushed my hands into my pockets. He narrowed his eyes at me a moment, and opened his mouth - when a loud drum sounded.

His visitor had arrived.