I ended up not quite accepting the apartment, but persuaded Sandoran Adar to show me another one he owned. This was close to the tall, grimy alleyway, and was brighter and bigger.

There were four rooms, inclusive of a kitchen, bedroom, front room and bathroom. It was not precisely ready to move in, with crates taking up most of the floor space, but I managed to say that I would pay four hundred per month, and could give him a few days to allow me to move in. The day after I conducted my first lecture I took my few belongings there, and settled in. From the kitchen with its cast iron stove and heavy wooden preparation table extended a balcony, and it here that I spent the first part of my first day.

I turned the front room into something of a library, gaining shelves from a local carpenter. Laying the floor with rugs I made it as comfortable as possible. The bedroom was not difficult as there was already a large wooden double bed, and it was a matter of buying blankets for it. A small chest held my few clothes and I arranged for a cleaner and laundry maid to come in once a week.

It was on the second full of living in my new home that I received a knock on the front door. Carrying my glass of wine through I opened it, stunned to see a black haired human standing there.

Dressed in an elaborate bodice and skirt Regina del Kant elegantly smiled at me. My eyebrows rose as I took her in, with her tall form and slim figure, lips pursing slightly. She was the closest thing I had to a girlfriend, and also was devoted to my brother as both one who honoured him akin to a god and working for free for him after he had appeared to her at the age of five.

“Regina,” I breathed.

“Hello, barbarian,” she leant forwards, and I did not move or resist as she placed a kiss on my lips. She used her apparent pet name for me, describing what many of Morningstar's thought of me as, because I had refused my brother's offer of fealty several times.

When she moved back, I was also smiling. I had a hand up against the door post and leant against it when she moved away, rather delighted.

I was there for a moment too long. “Are you going to let me in, then?” she asked.

Quickly I straightened, nodding and moving back. I noticed at this point that she held a basket in her hands, that one might expect to belong to a fruit picker. Carefully she carried it as she came in, eyes glancing around the room as I let the door shut behind her.

“So,” I twisted around, looking at her, my wind glass still in my hand. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Can not a girl see his man?” she asked, moving to the single armchair in my front room and setting the basket on it.

“Yes, but usually you are busy with … other duties,” I replied, having never seen her out of Morningstar's court.

“Hmm,” she nodded, and she sat down on the arm of the chair. “I am.”

There was hesitance in her voice. I raised a brow. “But …”

“Fine, I do have a purpose,” she replied, sighing. “But it does not have to be carried out for … three hours or so. I came early you see, with permission.”

Slowly I set my glass down, folding my arms across my chest. “What are you here for then, aside from sex?”

A deep frown appeared on her face. Eyes narrowing she glared at me. “Fine. I will not be subtle. I am here as a delivery girl.”

“Of … what?” I asked, looking at the basket, “is there food in there?”

“Oh I am not delivering anything to you,” she folded her arms, her tone short and sharp. “Rather I am …”

And a sparkle blossomed into her eye. My brow rose slowly as I began to understand her meaning. Breath caught in my chest as my heart thumped and all I could think about was Morningstar and his audacity to do such a thing. To not come here himself - to send Regina.

“Fuck me …” I whispered. “The bastard strikes again.”

“We'll go now then,” she snapped, beginning to rise and her hand pulling back the fabric that covered the top of the blanket.

Instantly I reacted. “No, wait,” I said quickly, my body jerking forwards to stretch out a hand towards her. Into my hand a small black coil of energy popped, about the size of marble and entirely ready to defend me. It was my main form of magic, as destructive darkness energy that could drain feeling and matter.

She glanced up to me, her eyes wide. Carefully I closed the fingers around my palm, snuffing the darkness out. Jaw tightening, I lowered the hand and watched as she deeply frowned.

“It calls itself to existence,” I explained , rapidly, “but only my will can shape and manipulate it.”

“I know you would not have harmed me,” she replied, dryly, “but it just goes to prove how much of a barbarian you are.”

“Wonderful,” I said, not sure which her statements I was referring to. Maybe both. “Now, you said three hours?”

Slowly, she nodded, “yes …”

“Right, how long this time?” I asked her, as I strode to a shelf where paper and pen was ready for my daily thoughts and musings.

Regina took her hands away from the basket and folded them across her chest. She was still in a mood with me, but at least seemed to have been persuaded to not take me now.

“I do not know. At least today, perhaps more.”

Two or three then. I nodded quickly, grabbing a piece of paper and beginning to scribe a note addressed to Hera. I wrote that I was bidden away on ‘family business’ (I used the inverted commas) and that I expected to be gone only a few days. I added that notes on Quentalë's recent chapter draft could be found in a drawer in my office desk. Reading over the page once I found it to be satisfactory and I folded the page into a letter format, before looking at Regina.

“I need to deliver this message.”

Pursing her lips she nodded. “How long will you be?”

“The university is only a five minute walk,” I explained. “You can come with me if you are that concerned.”

Shaking her head she replied. “No. I am fine.”

And I paused before I sighed and walked over to her. I had upset her, plenty, both by inferring that all she wanted from me was sex, and insulting her employer and man she respected as god. Despite the fact I had thought the first, and did not agree with the second, the guilt still savagely burned within me. When I got to her she was gazing at me with large, gorgeous eyes, and her lips were a thin line.

“I am sorry,” I said quietly. “And I promise to come with you, without a fuss.”

She blinked, and a softness came into her eyes; even though she did not speak I knew she forgave me. Leaning towards her I kissed her head.

“Barbarian,” she murmured.

“Indeed,” I agreed.

And I left.