“If I have your word you will not touch her …” I said slowly.

Simply, he inclined his head. “I have no interest in heirs.”

“Then I will make as little of a fuss about it as I can manage,” I replied.

“Then the decision is made,” he leant back slowly, raising his chin and thinking. “We will see what he can offer first. Peace is better than nothing here.”

“What if he asks for an exchange?” Hemera suddenly said. “A spouse for his eldest?”

Morningstar frowned, “I have no children to offer.”

“But you have siblings,” Nyx said quietly.

The room fell dumb. Only breathing could be heard for the few seconds that past, one agonisingly after another.

“An exchange of hostages,” I murmured, staring at the wood of the table, “it is something he has done before.”

Morningstar glanced from sibling to the next, eyes piercing. “With one exception, you are loyal to me, and all of you have your use. I would not openly ask this of anyone.”

“I will go,” Hemera murmured, “I am strong enough.”

“No, sister,” Nyx leant over to take her hand. “I will do it.”

“What about Moros?” Vitus asked, “surely he would be willing.”

“He is away. You can barely speak for him in terms of marriage when he is not here.”

“My lord, how about you send the rogue,” Vitus grinned at me, “he goes unless he swears fealty to you.”

I began to rise from my crouch, eyes becoming blades. “I can kill you, elf, even without my power.”

He raised a hand, invitingly. “Bring it on, you weakling.”

Rising, I rolled my shoulders back, preparing. Beside me Hemera and Nyx had comforting hands on one another, but were watching in a mixture of horror and excitement. Marlina was giving us both calculating looks, likely assessing who would win, who she should place bets on. Cracking my knuckles I began to take steps around as Vitus gracefully rose from his seat.

“Stop,” Morningstar's commanding voice filled the room.

Instantly Vitus dropped back into his chair. I scowled grumpily, turning back to my brother. Geras, the silent grump, was leaning towards him, eyes hard and set. It looked as if they had been speaking, which was entirely possible without any of our notice as the argument had begun. Nyx and Hemera clasped their hands before each other again, and Morningstar stared at me. Eventually I sighed, and slumped back over to lean against the chair I really should have been sitting in.

When satisfied we were all listening, Morningstar folded his arms. “Geras has offered, and I have agreed that if it comes to it, he will go. That is my final word on the subject.”

And that was it. I felt relieved, that at least any chance of me going was depleted - not that I would have accepted and would have fought against it with every word I had.

“If it ends up just being an exchange of marriage, then it is that,” my brother said quietly, “but through it we will achieve some semblance of peace, gain information about this … new Thanatos, an possibly learn more about how to bring down a man like Morté.”

“Then you are serious?” I asked, heart beating heavily. “You will consider it? Destroying him?”

His lips pursed. Then they quirked into a smile, and he gestured to the seat in front of me. Slowly I blinked at him, huffing out a long breath. To join them there … it would still not be me being his. He was inviting me to sit, with all the knowledge and connections between us, and to give me something in return. Of course, the current focus of attention had to be the impending apocalypse.

Him, or the man outside. They were my choices. There was no longer a life where I existed on my own.

Pulling in my breath I grunted, and moved around to the seat. Dropping heavily into it I slouched, the thorn amongst the roses, my fingers twisting into my clothing. I felt a tug, and looked down to see Nyx’s hand encouragingly squeezing my forearm.

“Good,” Morningstar said, satisfied at last. “Now we are complete.” He rested his hands on the table. “It will work thus …”