Black Shadow was woken by a loud crash and a screaming Espoir. He snapped out of bed and grabbed his bow in the matter of seconds. His baby was scared, hurt, something, he did not know, but he cry for help was a sound he learned all too well.

Black Shadow burst through his door, tripping on the coffee table in the living room on the way to Espoir’s room in a frantic run. The door was cracked, which was not what usual for her. A quick kick snapped the door from the hinges and onto the floor, a loud thud following. Black Shadow ripped an arrow from his quiver and notched it, ready to fire if needed.

“Not so fast.” A deep voice said, holding a knife to Espoir’s throat. “You try it, she dies, are we understood?” the man asked; Black Shadow did not answer. “I said, are we clear?” The man said again, pressing the knife against Espoir’s neck.

“Daddy, help me, I’m scared.” Espoir said, a tear in her eye. Black Shadow could not risk the life of his daughter, that’s one thing he could never do. He looked again at the man, and realizing there’s nothing he could do, put the bow down.

“Good.” The man said. “Now, you are one tough man to track. But good thing for me I am one hard man to escape.” The man was mocking Black Shadow. “You were sent to kill 3 men, and yes you did that, but that was it. You were not supposed to take anything, and yet when i searched the wreckage for my master something was missing. You know what it is don’t you?”

Black Shadow began to tense up. He might have caused all of this by taking the bow? What is so important about this bow?

“Here is my proposition. I am supposed to kill you for your treachery, but instead I will offer you this: You give me the bow, I walk away, master doesn’t need to know. But if you refuse… well” The man pressed the knife to Espoir’s neck again, her again squealing. “You get the picture?”

Black Shadow hesitated. He could not trust this guy, he did not even know him. And yet he could not allow this man to harm his daughter. Black Shadow hesitated, then knowing all too well that this man would kill her if he had to Black Shadow signed to Espoir “I am going to give this man what he wants.”

“What did he say?” The man asked Espoir, pressing the knife to her neck, insisting she answers him.

“He’s going to get the bow.” She said through her sobs.

Black Shadow walked out of the room and into his, grabbing the bow. It gleamed with power, and Black Shadow knew it was a special bow. Grabbing the arrows that went along with it, Black Shadow walked back into Espoir’s bedroom.

When he entered the room, the man did not move, he did not even blink, and Espoir was frozen too. Black Shadow stared concerned and confused, then walked up to the man, still frozen. What was going on?