Black Shadow made it home safely, with no problems, not even the usual raider gangs that guard the slim forest paths. There were no other predators in sight, nothing that would cause harm to Black Shadow, which was unusual. There would always be something that arose to cause troubles, but this time there was nothing.

Black Shadow made it home very quickly this time, the target was not too far from his home. Black Shadow never liked when the target was so close to home. He always let Espoir go out and play during the day. Some days she would go far from the house, others shed stay in eyesight. She was training hard with Gavner, Maverick, and Black Shadow, and on a few occasions outsmarted the three. She could handle herself.

“Dad!” Espoir screeched when Black Shadow opened the door. His daughter Espoir was ten years old now. She had bright blonde hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to shine in the sunlight and sparkle in the moonlight. Black Shadow smiled and gave her a hug, running his fingers through her hair. He reached up to the top of his mask, wrapping his finger around the slick fabric.

“Wait!” Espoir said grabbing his hand. “I want to do it!” She said happily. Black Shadow smiled and allowed Espoir to pull his mask off of his head. This was the only place that he would let anyone see him unmasked, and only two people has seen him without it.

Espoir pulled and pulled with all her might, and slowly but surely the mask came off. “There’s my handsome man!” She said laughing and tapping the tip of his nose with her finger. Black Shadow just laughed internally and tapped Espoir’s nose too.

“Do you want to see what I found today?” Black Shadow signed to Espoir, who then got a huge smile and excited face.

“Yes!!” She screamed, “Show me, show me, show me, show me, show me!” She said quickly before Black Shadow could even respond. He held out his hand, the maid up sign between the two meaning “wait”. She did not like this sign.

Black Shadow reached to his back and grabbed the bow and arrow which he wrapped in cloth from the caravan to hide it as a secret. “It’s so big!” Espoir said in amazement, “What is it?” Black Shadow walked over to their table and placed the bow upon the hard wood. “Can I open it?” She asked. Black Shadow nodded and watched as his daughter unwrapped the cloth and revealed the bow.

“Woah!” She said in amazement. “you got a new bow? I thought you loved uncle Gavner’s bow?” Espoir asked confused. Black Shadow laughed and signed back, “I do, this one is just to add to my collection.”
“Oooooooooh! Okay!” She said smiling. “I love you dad!” Black Shadow smiled as he watched her run out of the room.