“Now, now, John. Be nice to the kid. He didn't mean to rile up the city.” Jacques scolded as he pulled down a bottle of the whiskey and a glass. He pushed them towards the giant of a man, chuckling at the thought of a mob coming for Jeremy. That stick of a necromancer desperately trying to defuse a crowd as his mildly undead cat rubs up against his leg, attempting to meow with what remained of its vocal cords.

Jacques looked up as the new patron walked in, and nodded in greeting. He turned to a spigot protruding from the purified water barrel and fulfilled his request, sliding the glass towards the cowled figure. “Here you are, sir.”

Jacques whisked himself off to the kitchen, scooping up two bowlfuls of the casserole that was sitting in the pot on the fireplace. The earthy aroma of patchouli suffused him as he shouldered open the door back towards the main room and slid the bowls over the counter towards John and Jeremy.

“A wonderful fall meal, with crushed patchouli leaves imported from Dhethain. The vegetables in it are as fresh as this disaster-stricken city can provide.” Jacques noted, grabbing spoons from a silverware cup under the counter and sticking them in each bowl. He grabbed the pouch of coins off the counter and a key off his belt. He dragged a safebox out and tossed the pouch inside, the key clicking in the lock as he pushed it back under the shelves.

Jacques stood back up, grabbing his cup of water off the counter and sipping it slowly. After that ash had fallen down, business had slowed to a crawl, then picked back up, as people realized that most bar owners had fled the island. Jacques would have too, if he’d had the opportunity. “So what brings you in today, John? Not often that I am, ah, graced, with your patronage.” Jacques inquired, raising his eyebrow quizzically. He continued to sip his drink, rolling his knuckles back and forth on the counter. It truly wasn’t all that often that the man came in, once or twice a month at best. He sighed and leaned lazily, continuing to sip his drink. “And you, stranger, why do you come visit this lonesome tavern? This early, too.”