Through the thick ashen miasma Hayate caught a glimpse of someone hurrying around through the smoldering brush. It must have been one of the Concordian elves, he was tall and slender, and as the figure heard the young shinobi’s plea the elf made his way to him. Finally Hayate could relax as the elf approached him, though he was certain, he had to trust that this man was his friend and not a foe.

“Lorinus…” Hayate said as Elthas introduced himself and offered the young lord a hand. “Careful feels like I broke it.” The shinobi added as he used his good arm to lean on his new comrade. Elthas had instructed Hayate that they would be going to the Great Tree, the secret refugee for the entire Concordian Forest, where he would have is shoulder looked at and patched up.

Chaos erupted in all directions, yet as the calamity ragged on in the faint horizon the sounds of the forest were all but quelled. There wasn’t a sound, at least none that could be heard over the ash fall. Hayate though injured was a natural born survivor and studied his surroundings as hard as he could try with all his might to make out any unseen dangers. Though this proved to be a near impossible task he persevered until, as if dumb luck he spotted yet another figure approaching him and Elthas. The Shinobi gritted his teeth as he nudged Elthas with his elbow indicating the looming presence.

“I’m in no condition to do anything, but do you know this one?” Hayate whispered in his friend’s ear, as the figure broke through the ashen haze and came into view. He was an elf that much was clear, but he didn’t look to resemble Elthas’ highborn features. And without any warning the newcomer simple offered Hayate his hand as well as briefly introducing himself as Kirin.

“Thanks…” he hissed hating every second he had to rely on others instead of his own strength. “We’re heading to the Tree, you should come with us. This one says that most of his people have already evacuated the area and are going there. I’m sure if there is anywhere safe in the forsaken forest their sacred tree would be.” Elthas and Kirin both Helped Hayate limp ever closer to safety, soon he would have to repay the favor.