This can’t be good…

Talons clamped tightly against once jagged stone. The sound of waves crashing resounded behind him as amber eyes watched two figures in the distance. He knew where this was going, he had foreseen it. All he could do, however, was watch. He knew how this would end, yet the pain of this single hour would crush his host. The person he vowed to protect, was she was villain in this situation? The purple, half clouded sky rained star light down upon the landscape. As seagulls flustered, racing to the safety of their nighttime nests, the cliffs represented an edge those two were inches from. Their silhouettes stood as living shadows against the hazy sky. It was almost time.

Huh, the thought crossed his mind as he scoffed up a sad smile, Time… so fickle.

He closed his eyes, the drama playing out before his living memories. Within nature’s steady waves, beating lazily against the cliff sides, chilled wind disturbed the evening air. Then, the final nail was driven into the coffin as he heard a sword drawn from its sheath.

He could feel the weight of it all from out here.

It begins.