Felicity felt memories bang so loud, her ears hurts. She saw images so clear, it took her away from the present. She felt herself stand. Seeing red as she eyed Ashla again.

Her brown eye, Ayleth’s eye, was watching as she stood to the side.

Everything went red.


Seconds later, she felt a heavy kick to the chest, sending her back. She saw ice crystalize and form in front of her. She saw Ayleth’s extended hand, emotion contained yet screaming within her eyes. She felt an explosion. She felt everything blur and flutter as she flew back.

She felt herself dragged beneath the waves of the shallow sea.

Her body did not move. It had once moved without her conscious effort. Now, Conscious effort did nothing to stop the numbing. The explosion has caused shards of ice to embed her skin. She saw the crimson liquid oozing out. She saw the flame like threads of nuclear energy extending from her wounds as well. She felt completely numb. Strange how even as her cloak formed, she felt nothing. Air was meaningless as she closed her eyes, knowing very well that her power would take over.

Her mind drifted back to that brown eye, on the frowning face, she saw before the explosion hit and passed in a slow instant. She saw…

She remembered…

She remembered the tears she saw pouring down her face,

Extreme eat overtook her body as she blanked out.