"Th'fuck are you?"

"The maid, sir."

Drunken eyes narrowed.

Sigh. "One of the maids, sir. I was just finishing tidying your chamber."

"I asked for no such thing." The man scratched his black beard. "But you, you could be a welcome surprise—"

"Sorry to disappoint," the maid said shortly, before slipping past the lecherous embrace to the door.

"Bitch!" was all she heard as she hastened down the corridor, head down, hoping not to stand out amongst the various people going the other way. She had to get to the courtyard. The horned ones didn't seem like they were going anywhere soon, but she wouldn't dare miss them.

She arrived in the courtyard in enough time. They were still conversing. Good. She remained in a corner with her head down, hoping to avoid attention while listening.

Those hopes were dashed quickly. Bugger.

As the two looked to her, she shuffled forward. "Aye, I am interested. My skills are not limited to shit-scraping and floor-scrubbing, sirs. I can hold my own in a scrap, hew wood and carry stone as ably as any man." After a moment: "My apologies, where are my manners? I am Beatrix."