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  1. #9

    EXP: 9,940, Level: 4
    Level completed: 19%, EXP required for next Level: 4,060
    Level completed: 19%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,060

    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami
    Indistinct screams echoed through the streets as the city faced the first of many quaking attacks. Dust fell from the ceilings of the Steel Hall as Hayate and the others felt the beginning of the end, he wondered just how long it would take for either side to make headway. The shinobi watched as mothers cradled their babes trying to protect them as best they could, despite knowing they themselves could do nothing if the event would arise. Hayate was in pain, but nothing like he had felt before, he was hurting knowing he played a part in this war and was responsible for what was coming. Was everything really worth it? Would he be able to live with himself if anything would happen to these people? There had to be a better way?

    He waited patiently, trying his best to imagine what his superiors would do in the event they were successful. He wondered how they would deal with the women and children who supported the assembly, he wondered if their men would even know the difference in the heat of battle. These questions and more raced through his mind as he struggled to come to terms with what was happening. As the world he crafted for himself turned sour in his mouth and he became what he originally sought out to destroy. Grinding his teeth was all he could do as every passing second brought him closer to a breakdown.

    “Sir,” a voice from outside broke his concentration. Hayate peered from around the corner he was leaning on to see a handful of Radasanthian soldiers carrying a parcel making their way past the guards posted to protect the counsel men just beyond. By the looks on their faces, he presumed that whatever they were transporting came from either Shinsou himself or Storm. And by the sounds of fighting outside it wasn’t relevant news anymore, yet still, Hayate was curious and needed to know for himself. “Don’t allow anyone beyond this point. I don’t care who they are, consider anyone attempting to proceed to be committing an act of treason. Deal with them as you see fit, but leave nothing to chance. We are aware of a certain individual who may already be in the city; if Amatsukami Hayate is seen you have orders to kill on site.”

    Hayate was taken back, how had he been identified? And even more startling was now win or lose he would be forever known to the Radasanthian Government to be a collaborator with The Brotherhood. It didn’t matter what happened anymore, his only chance of making it out of the capital alive was if Shinsou and the others came for him. He panicked for a moment, tucking himself back against the stone he waited; certain he would be found out and captured. Or worse, that he would not be able to stop himself like last time.

    Again the city shook as the walls were bombarded by flying debris. The Steel Hall quivered slightly but held strong against the assault offering some small degree of comfort to those within. With what seemed like the end of the world pressing down upon him Hayate took one final deep breath. As the hot air left his mouth it dawned on him. The shinobi had always known what destiny held for him, just never the steps it would take to get there. This, like the slaughter of his kinsmen, was merely one more walk forward.

    Have you come to your decision? Yamato asked, sensing a new determination filling his partner’s spirit.

    “I’m going to end it, the entire thing. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong anymore. All that matters is by the end of it I get what I want. ” Hayate’s eyes grew dark as he made up his mind. It didn’t matter who he had to step on, or who he hurt in the process. It didn’t matter what Ioder though he was capable of, or what would come his way after the fact by the result of his actions. Hayate only cared about one thing in this world, and if Radasanth stood in his way then it would fall.

    “We’re going to pay the Assembly a little visit.”
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 05-21-2019 at 09:21 PM.
    "Just shut up for once! What the hell do you know about it?! It's not like you ever had a family in the first place! You were on your own right from the beginning, what makes you think you know anything about it?! Huh?! I'm suffering now because I had those ties, how on earth could you possibly understand, what it feels like to lose all that!" -Sasuke Uchiha

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