A Hero.

Once he was called that.

Lorenor held the hilt of weapon tightly, attempting to draw some sort of comfort and a stability. He panicked. In his mind he only saw the first time it happened, during the Demon War of antiquity. He was seeing the ravages of war play out in his head. People were screaming and dying looking for a way out..but in he was only an old man. Who had seen this very event before during The Demon War.

He was gasping in panic and fear. His eyes darted from battle to battle as the front gates of Radasanth were shattered by an all too familiar power. What do I do...? By all rights the last Ixian Knight should not have been there. His people's time had come long since, indeed he was a relic of a lost time. I can't do this on my own... Just beyond his vision he saw a familiar face.

The Vampire Urei.

Urei walked up to Lorenor and extended his hand as chaos erupted all around them. "Why are you afraid my love?" Urei suddenly asked as Lorenor reached out to his old Lover and Master.

"What do I do...?" Lorenor asked, the panic had taken it's grip on his heart. He was just an old man.

"Trust in the light." Urei said.

Lorenor nodded to Urei. The light..had never once lad him astray since Reformation with the Ixian Knights so long ago. It was at that point a dragon came forth from the bowels of hell itself...The dragon had a different agenda. Lorenor observed as it flew towards the field of battle. It was not a threat to the people directly. He was in a state of panic, but right then, he saw something else. A group of people attempting to flee the battle was suddenly crushed by flame arrows and cannon balls.

Lorenor gritted his teeth when he saw that. Rage filled his heart. ..What do I do...? Lorenor slowly walked towards the burning corpses, one a dying woman looked up at the glowing Paladin.

"Why is this happening?" She barely uttered.

Lorenor, following the ritualistic rites of his Order knelt down next to the fallen. He placed a hand on the forehead of the dying woman and began to cry for her. He gave her her final rites. No. The Last Ixian Knights was giving Radasanth herself her final rites. He began to utter the incantations that would compel the spirits of the fallen to The After of the legendary Thayne Codex.

But something happened that he did not expect.

"...Ixian..." The voice of the woman called out to him in spirit form.

Lorenor finished the rites and turned to look at the ethereal form of the woman. "You are afraid."

"I don't know what to do." Lorenor said honestly to the ghost.

"Take my strength, Paladin." She said plainly. "You know the compelling arts of your people yes?"

Lorenor hesitated. But nodded in compliance. It was his duty to tend to the dead. Lorenor finished the rites of passage and observed the lost spirits on their journey to The After. Lorenor looked at the woman, and extended his hand to her. "Come with me." He commanded in the spiritual rites of his order.

"It shall be so." She responded and took Lorenor's hand.

The spirit guided him to the location of Hayate and Grell's position. Lorenor was tired. But he no longer was afraid...he merely felt numb at that point. Lorenor and the compelled spirit stumbled upon the chamber where Hayate and Grell lurked. "Akashiman!" Lorenor was glad to see familiar markings on Hayate's person. He looked at several survivors present. Lorenor held a serious expression on his face. "Akashiman we have to get them out of here, any who wish to live. You wish to live...come with me." Lorenor walked towards Hayate. He'd been relatively near to Hayate's position and the walk wasn't that long. He saw the survivors gathered around Hayate. "We have to get them out of here." Lorenor said.

A Hero.

That's what he once was...