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  1. #1

    EXP: 9,940, Level: 4
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    Level completed: 19%,
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    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami
    “As unary as ever it seems…”

    The years hadn’t been well to the wizard of Radasanth and now it seemed like they were trying to kill him. Ioder never wanted to see the day someone could dare to threaten the capital but it seems the bastards of Whitevale, the Brotherhood, sought to make this land their own. Their reasoning didn’t matter, and still doesn’t, for the moment the news of Tylermande met Ioder’s ears he immediately committed to the cause.

    The wind hissed and whistled though the cobblestone as the soldiers and ladies of Radasanth stood resolute against insurmountable odds. Though armed tooth and nail Ioder saw fear in their eyes and in truth he was terrified this would be the day his luck ran out. In light of it all there was a silver lining to it all, either they would be live and win or lose and not have to live with what comes next.

    “But it looks like you’re finally where you were always meant to be.” Ioder said as he walked next to Philomel standing opposite of Kerr. He his last meeting with Philomel was a brawl in the Citadel many years ago but even back then he saw a fire in her. The same fire now that fueled her passion and dedication to Radasanth. He hadn’t been present in the politics of the country for some time but in times like these and with an enemy that threatens the entirety of Corone he assumed that any bad blood between he and the faun general would be water under the bridge. “If you’ll have me I’d be honored to fight under your command My Lady, there’s a thing or two I’ve put in place to aid in the city’s defense. You know our enemy well, so you know better than anyone else he isn’t here to lose.”

    Elsewhere in the capital among a large crowd of refugee citizens a cloaked figure stood leaning against a supporting column, watching as those around him huddled down for the impending chaos Hayate knew that it would be a long day. He hadn’t ever been familiar with the inner workings of Radasanth as his trips here were mainly kept quick and typically he stayed to the citadel. But he figured this would be the most strategic place to do his part, as both a general of the Brotherhood and a defended of the innocent without betraying his oaths or himself. Making friends with a high ranking Radasanth soldier or two had its perks after all.

    They were in the Steel Hall, an auxiliary chamber within the main keep reinforced to withstand the greatest of assaults. By his accounts this wouldn’t be far from the place the cowardly Assembly should likely be riding out Storm’s attack. Since the sack of Tylermande Hayate had been operating in secret, gathering intelligence and befriending the enemy, all with the intention of striking when the iron is hot and securing the city without ever revealing himself. He had just hoped for more time because the minuet the Brotherhood appeared he was herded alongside the other citizens deep within the walls of the city.

    Thanks for everything Ioder, but this is as far as my favor goes. If the Brotherhood makes it this far I will not stand against them, I'm no fool. It would be a death sentance. And if they make it this far you’ve been dead for a while anyway. Hayate thought to himself as he looked up towards the second level of the Steel Hall, an off-limits area he presumed would be one of the scattered safe houses the big wigs would use.

    He smirked, knowing that the wizard wouldn’t have put him here by chance, there had to be a purpose. He wondered just how long it will take now for Shinsou and Storm march up through these halls, how long would this last, and how much longer it would take for Van Osiris to make good on his promise to him. He left his post making his way to the front of the great hall. There were a number of other sell swords not formally part of any army but willing to help standing about. While they all feared for what was outside the walls, their worst enemy was standing right behind them.

    "What the hell is that!?!" One of the nameless swords cried out pointing to the shy above! Hayate rushed through the entrance and out into the street before he could see it. A massive object flying through the sky. The ground turned black as a mighty shadow grew over the capital. If not one thing its another.
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 05-15-2019 at 12:04 PM.
    "Just shut up for once! What the hell do you know about it?! It's not like you ever had a family in the first place! You were on your own right from the beginning, what makes you think you know anything about it?! Huh?! I'm suffering now because I had those ties, how on earth could you possibly understand, what it feels like to lose all that!" -Sasuke Uchiha

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