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  1. #1

    EXP: 11,761, Level: 4
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next Level: 2,239
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Paladin_Lorenor's Avatar



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    Time passed...

    One of the Radasanth scouts noticed an odd horse-like contraption slowly making it's way towards the wall.

    "What is that...!?" The scout yelled at his companions.

    The troops were already preparing to defend their city to their last breath...


    He prepared to speak to his companions, the people of Radasanth. They were commoners by his side none barely trained to fight a single battle. Lorenor just wanted to get them all out to safety if he could, every last one of them. But when the siege started it was too late for that. The first of the orbs that the siege cannons launched were already upon them.

    Screams. Lorenor heard screams of the dead and dying at that point. The building he was just in was crumbled and on fire, Lorenor gathered his weapon. His mighty prevaldia great sword. He looked at his reflection on the blade for a moment. He was scared. There were bodies all around him, burning, charred cooked. Lorenor had survived because the light deemed him worthy of a vessel. No other reason. Explosions were happening all over Radasanth. Lorenor looked up and noticed a red streak across the sky. His face was covered with hot ash from the explosion of the building he was just in.

    This is not a war this is a slaughter...Thaynes help us... In the area he was just in there had been no survivors. Lorenor sighed as he prepared himself to go meet up with Philomel's forces. That seemed like the only adequate option. He remembered what the brave scout had said, Storm Veritas and Shinsou were laying siege to Radasanth. Others were present too. Lorenor had to steady himself as he sheathed his weapon. He heard a cry nearby.

    "My lord...I need help." Came the familiar voice.

    Lorenor knelt down to hurt the woman. His own understanding of The Light and it's mysteries were still growing. He held her hand. "Why is this happening my Lord?" She asked.

    "Try not to talk, let me heal you." Lorenor said calmly.

    His body began to glow with the effects of the brilliant light. He was going to attempt to do everything in his power to save the woman.

    "It does not hurt no more." She said. And closed her eyes as she died.

    Lorenor cried for the girl and for the people of Radasanth. But as he knelt there, he heard movement nearby.

    It was just a rat escaping it's doom.

    Lorenor sighed. What do I do..? This is not my war. Lorenor thought in confusion. His head hurt and he had a million thoughts cascading through his mind. He felt confused as what to do. The Lily's forces were his best shot at that point for any sort of salvaging of the situation at hand. From what he'd learned from the forward scouts, a group of warriors was marching on two sides of Radasanth proper. "This is going to be a fucking mess."

    Lorenor gathered his gear and prepared to go ahead and meet up with the Lily's forces. He would provide whatever assistance he could to them, it's what Sei would have done. It was only appropriate that one last Ixian Knight would help in the defense of Radasanth proper. Lorenor was hot as he moved, the crumbled building was crushed by some siege canons that initially struck the city. Lorenor had been lucky, the light saved him once more. I do...? Lorenor thought to himself. He was a bit away from the Lily's forces but he would provide as much help as he could to whoever he could to stop the madness. Again, Lorenor noticed the red star streaking across the sky. His eyes narrowed at that point. That can't be good... He thought to himself as he made his way to the Lily's and ultimately...Philomel's position.
    Last edited by Paladin_Lorenor; 05-23-2019 at 03:26 PM. Reason: Edited by request of Storm and others.

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