The wind at that point was calm and the forest, wilderness around Stonevale was quiet. The Goblins looked at Miranda and her followers. More was at play there. It was not just about Portals to Ayenee anymore. The Goblin squad leader walked up to Miranda. He spoke in the common-tongue quite fluently. "Do you have the key?" The Goblin asked.

Miranda frowned deeply. "It takes time to create the key you know this." The was the thing with Blood Magic...everything had to be exact. "There is another reason you're here is there not?"

The Goblin nodded. "The one of The Darkness Tribe you spoke of is here." The goblin did not hesitate to explain the gravity of the situation. "He was spotted traveling the mountain ridge...alone." The Goblin said.

Miranda thought carefully of what to do next. "Get your tribe out of the mountains. Move somewhere safer for the time being." She said, her impatience was growing. "Has he attacked yet?" Miranda asked.

"No. He was merely wandering out there our forward scouts did not approach him as you instructed." The Goblin respected The Darkness Tribe, his ancestors fought them a long time ago.

Miranda rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She turned to look at Archanex for a moment. "You know of Rhougrez' strength, my pet." Her eyes narrowed at that point. "You will have a chance to prove your loyalty to me." She looked at the Goblin. "Get your people out of there. Rhougrez is not to be attacked."

"Understood, I will notify my Scouts." The Goblin said calmly and prepared to leave.


He had always been a loner. Even at the height of The Darkness' power...Rhoughrez never liked working with or for guilds. A lead summoned him to the world of Althanas across the void. Across The Omniverse itself. Something was triggering random portals across the fabric of reality itself. Rhoughrez had a deep respect for power, he wanted answers. In his journey across the mountains of Stonevale proper...he'd come across several small creatures that wisely did not approach the lone warrior. They kept their distance merely observing the dark wanderer. Rhoughrez tightened his muscles, carefully focusing on his command of his power. Even in youth, the Dark Wanderer had always been a skilled shadowmancer.

That's when he felt it.

A pulse...a familiar one.

Rhoughrez growled. "...Overmage..." Rhoughrez spat on the ground beneath. The pulse was somewhat diluted...but it was still the particular pulse nonetheless. Rhoughrez readied his power and began to approach the general direction he felt the Overmage's hidden power. The host power is diluted for some reason but it is definitely an Overmage. He prepared for battle....


The Goblins prepared to take their leave.

Miranda observed very carefully to be certain there would be no more interruptions.

Suddenly, it happened. Archanex's eyes shot out of their previously catatonic state. "MOVE!" Archanex yelled and forcibly shoved Miranda out of harm's way. The blast of shadow power came in from the west of the old house. The chain attached to Archanex broke from the force of Rhoughrez' power.

The Dark Wanderer flew towards the courtyard. The target was clear...

When he landed on the courtyard he was stunned to see his old enemy alive. "Archanex..." Rhoughrez angrily stated. "I have been hunting you for a long time."

Archanex knelt down next to Miranda and took an aggressive combat stance. "You're hunting alone." Archanex suddenly said. "Did your clan expel you like the dog you are?"

Miranda stared at the two men from Ayenee. The sensation of power was beyond anything she had ever felt.

"Funny. I'd ask you the same thing...what happened to YOUR tribe old man?" The Dark Wanderer asked.

Archanex kept a poker face he stood directly in front of Miranda. Placing himself in between Rhoughrez and Miranda. He would protect his master with his life.

"You shouldn't have come." Archanex suddenly told The Dark Wanderer.


It was already happening.

Miranda's followers had the Key constructed from Archanex's blood. They were preparing the ritual to connect the world of Althanas to the realm of Ayenee...there would be noone to stop them.


Rhoughrez knew there was no more time for talk...he rushed Archanex and Miranda's position.