“Why do you need me?” Shinsou placed an empty teacup back onto the silver tray in front of him. His eyes were still throbbing, and he was internally wrestling to suppress the headaches.

“Two reasons,” Telos leant in, “Firstly, someone has stolen the crystal containing Arius’s soul and taken it to a world called Althanas. That crystal contains important information the Council needs; memories and suchlike, and we want it back in one piece. I assume you don’t remember this, but you have a unique ability to sense the life force of those you have met before. We’ll need you to find it.”

“And secondly?” Queried Shinsou, with a furrowed look on his brow.

“He’s your best friend.” Telos rose from his chair, offering his hand, which Shinsou hesitantly took. He stood, head bowed, gazing into nothingness for a moment as he tried to take it all in.

“One more thing…” Telos said, putting a comforting hand on Osiris’s shoulder. “I’ve assigned someone to you, to look after you until you go to Althanas. His name is Dxun Ra, a Colonel in the Telgradian Royal Guard. He’ll make sure you are well looked after. For now, return to your barracks, and he’ll swing by and introduce himself later.”

Shinsou nodded slowly, still a little dumbstruck. “Thank you…”

Telos nodded and ushered the Telgradian politely through the door, closing it behind him. There was a soft clicking of a latch as the door shut and a wheezing cough from the other side of the door.

I’ve really got my hands full with this.

Shinsou looked ahead of him, past a waiting gentleman on the left who had taken his seat, and began to walk towards his dormitory.