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Thread: Leopold Rook

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  1. #1

    EXP: 21,787, Level: 6
    Level completed: 26%, EXP required for next Level: 5,213
    Level completed: 26%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,213

    Leopold's Avatar


    Leopold Rook

    Leopold Rook

    Leopold Rook

    Leopold Rook.jpg

    The centuries in which I’ve lived have given me a unique perspective on what it means to be me. I’m a man. I’m a husband. I’m a merchant. I was once an Old God. Titles and times have come and gone, and I’ve had to re-evaluate who it is in this tired old frame. I didn’t think I’d ever be free of the past: Berevar’s bastard prince who betrayed his own kind for love. Though they tried, and failed, to rip us apart, I am still married to the only woman I have ever loved. She is the fire in the hearth, and without her…I dread to think what I would have done. Together, with our family at our sides, we shattered the link the Old Gods have with our world once and for all.

    We drifted for so long after that. It took a literal schism in our own world to bring us back together. So many of our allies have died defending their own homes and loved ones it felt wrong for us to live on. But we overcame it, as ever we do with enough liquor and enough shouting. Now, we are Fated Circle, forgotten from the minds of every bitter man who has turned their back on heroes who so catastrophically failed them. The fall of Lornius and the ash still underfoot is a stark reminder that no matter how much power you amass, it is never enough. No matter how much money you hoard, it is never enough. Maybe now, with the future so uncertain, can we start to gather something more permanent. Something more provident: our stories. Our histories. Our memories.

    Name: Leopold Rook
    Title: Master of Ceremonies
    Age: Unknown (Appears 25)
    Height: 6’11”
    Weight: 88kgs
    Race: Human
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Religion: None


    Merchant: Leopold has decades of experience as a merchant, buying and selling goods for the purpose of construction in a variety of hostile environments. Though he has given control of his empire to his right-hand man, Jeren Silvers, his mind for making money and profiteering remains sharp as ever.

    Marksman: Leopold has a love of three things. Guns, his wife, and his liquor. Though he is often inebriated, his aim is near flawless and he can shoot straight long after he loses his senses. This skill is only with firearms.

    Actor: Though palling in comparison to his siblings, Leopold has picked up some rudimentary skills with performance and can act alongside his peers well enough to fill whatever role is needed. He does not have a penchant for accents or languages, however, so is usually side-lined to supporting roles.

    Diplomat: Though he cannot act as well as the rest of the troupe, his diplomacy skills are unrivalled. He can talk his way into, and out of the most precarious situations without having to resort to violence. Even then, if Leopold can’t swing a sword and trade insults to resolve something, then nobody can.

    Abilities: Leopold is the last of the Old Gods, and though he has sacrificed much of his power to be with his wife, a mortal shunned by his peers, he retains some semblance of his former namesake – The Rook, the chariot, carrying others to glory.

    Ageless: Leopold does not age physically. He is effectively immortal. He is highly resistant to magic originating from the Tap, equivalent to 50% protection. This natural defence increases to 75% if the spell is light or dark element.

    Formless: Leopold’s current physical form is a glamour. A face chosen to allow him to walk freely amongst the peoples of Althanas. His true form is monstrous, an amalgam of bird and nightmare shadow. With great exertion, he can double his height, grow wings, develop talons and a beak. In ordinary circumstances, however, he can only do one of these things at any given time:

    • Wings – can buffet with the force of a 60mph gust. Permits limited gliding. No flight.
    • Talons – bird like with the hardness of steel. Three 12inch per hand.
    • Beak – permit a deafening caw once per post. Hardness of steel.

    Weightless: Leopold holds a vast array of items in a pocket dimension, a spectral vault which he can put, and withdraw things with a simple wave of the hand. This allows him to carry many weapons with him. Any item listed in equipment is within reach provided he can physically reach into and pull out of the vault when it opens within 5ft of himself.

    Heartless: Leopold can summon a shadow rook which acts as a concussive blast of energy, fist size when summoned, becoming a large bird by the time it darts towards the target. It hits with an eruption of purple flame. Impact akin to a fireball spell of the user’s level, with homing elements that can be avoided provided the target can get behind the bird’s flight path. One rooks maximum per post.

    Boundless: Leopold can teleport using the vault and cross vast distances in a matter of minutes. This ability cannot be used in combat, as it requires concentration and intense focus. He can, however, take up to three people of equal size to himself with each use. The time lapse between entering and exiting the vault is approximately 30 seconds for every mile travelled as the rook flies.


    The Averie: Leopold’s primary weapon is the Averie, a black shafted spear sabre which can split into two weapons – a sabre and a quarterstaff. When whole, the steel bladed edge gathers wind around it to deal a concussive blast to any target with wings or that is in mid-flight through other means. This translates into a X2 his natural strength against such targets.

    Isabella: A sighted hunting rifle from Leopold’s caravanning days. It has a maximum range of 600 yards, and due to its size cannot be fired unless it is from a stationary position. Can penetrate armour up to steel with ease with single shot rounds. Each shot costs 25 gold coins. Single shot barrel. Requires one post to reload in combat.

    Celia: A white and gold clockwork pistol of Leopold’s own design. It holds six rounds before requiring a reload. These shots have an effective range of 200 yards, though beyond 100 yards accuracy and impact drop off drastically. Effective at close range and for rapid fire. Each full round cost 25 gold.

    Linda: This gun is a harpoon rifle adapted for use in the harsh mountainous wilderness of Salvar. It fires a hooked shaft and relay system to establish a pulley/anchor/grappling hook. This can be used to move people over crevasses, or to help build bridges for larger crossings over rivers etc. No use as an offensive weapon.

  2. #2

    EXP: 21,787, Level: 6
    Level completed: 26%, EXP required for next Level: 5,213
    Level completed: 26%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,213

    Leopold's Avatar


    Leopold Rook
    I believe this was my last profile.

    I'd like to add the grappling hook and if needs be use gold from the troupe to purchase it.

    Not sure if it's on par for level 6 either.

  3. #3
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    A sight for sore eyes. Welcome back my man!

    I can't see any issues this being approved as it is. Our RoG system has been tweaked since your last flirt with the wild side, and I believe it is much more favourable in this case.

    I will need to add your EXP and Gold. The grappling hook won't be a problem either.

    As soon as i've done the above i'll get this profile nailed.

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Sorry mate, I just realised I never got back to you. This is approved as requested.

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