I honestly found myself amused, thinking of what it might be of Morningstar against this beauty. Simply for demonstration he would summon whatever creative weaponry and restraints he could imagine, there likely temporarily before my newer powers fought them vicariously. Yet, an occasion of him randomly turning up was not likely, mainly because of the fact that we had something more of an understanding now. I was more dangerous, yet more useful. I was able to bring him glory.

“I don't think he will show up in the next couple of days,” I said quietly, turning my head slightly to look at her. “I'm due to travel soon, that he knows.”

“Ah a secret mission, how sexy.” She giggled claiming my own lips with hers. Her hands still massaging my back.

“Not so much,” I laughed, “I'm going for a personal research trip. It's connected to -”

Then I paused, thinking of the impending apocalypse. Did Kora know? Was her connection to divinity enough to allow her that ability to know what was to come? Did the Cronen man even know? That I could not say, because Morté, the King of Death and Rahl did not. Morningstar was possibly one of the most knowledgeable beings of authority in terms of it, and that was purely because of what he had initially told me and what I had since discovered.

“Do you know?” I asked, suddenly turning partly to her, eyebrows furrowed, “Selena does not, but I am keeping her safe for now.”

Koreena’s face twisted with confusion as her hands dropped from my body. “Do- do I know what?” She looked around nervously. “I’m confused..”

If she had known, something as massive as the possible end of life as we knew it probably would come to her mind. The fact she was confused told me she might not know. Slowly I twisted around to her and focused fully on her.

“Don't … freak out. And do not be telling everyone you meet. The reasons I am keeping this quiet are many, but it includes mass panic, and a lack of false hope, if I am not successful.” I paused, “the … the world is about to go through a dramatic change.”

“Charon, I don’t even talk to my own father..” she paused for a moment. “The world goes through dramatic changes all the time…”

I shook my head slowly. “Screw your father for now. This is not a simple change. It will affect the course of Althanas history, at least half the world.” I paused, wondering what word choice would be exactly best. Mentioning directly the 'apocalypse’ might be some mistake. And speaking of doom and gloom might not go down so well either. I decided for factual. “There is a high likelihood this planet is going to face an intense natural disaster.”

Koreena’s face pulled back slightly as if someone had physically hit her. “Natural disaster…” She repeated slowly. “Why are you telling me this? Is it- is it because I’m in danger?” She shook her head silently, “no you are joking with me how could anyone know such things like natural disasters are going to happen. I know science can monitor it sometimes predict it may happen but you can’t control nature…” She bit her lower lip nervously.

I looked at her seriously. “It's not a joke. It's fact. I know because my brother knows, and he knows prophets. And then he got my power back, at least some of it, and in exchange I'm researching for him and trying to save the world in his name.” I paused, realising how stupid that sounded. My brows furrowed. “This deal really does favour him,” I said, as if only realising it.