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  1. #1

    EXP: 8,146, Level: 3
    Level completed: 79%, EXP required for next Level: 854
    Level completed: 79%,
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    Professor Charles's Avatar


    Charles Rivers
    I stared at her with a mixture of disbelief and growing irritation. The fact was, we had discussed precisely this not being the point of our intercourse, that we would not have these feelings. Of course, we had not actively said they were not welcome, nor that they had to be avoided at all costs, but the situation was still the same. I was entirely stuck in this situation, not free because of the multitude of constraints on me, not least the ticking clock of time that was the quartz, that desired me to go back in half an hour.

    Stupid thing. I looked down at it in my hand and curled my lip with distaste before twisting around the doorway of the lounge and throwing the thing inside, onto the sofa. Screw Morningstar's anger, I could deal with it when it came. But for now I needed time to talk to her. When I didn't come after the first half an hour he would maybe wait a maximum of an hour more, depending on his mood, but that gave me an hour more of time.

    “Look,” I said firmly, “I am not saying no, just that … there's things to sort before. There are clearly other things bothering you. What do you want to know?”

    Kora glanced from my now empty hand to where I had thrown the quartz. The plush pillows that were her fell open and slowly closed again. She undid her hair as they fell in waves of colors. “I -” Frustration creased her brow as she seemed to have trouble putting thought to words. “I am not good at this… actually I am terrible with expressing feelings and saying how I feel…” She through her hands up with defeat.

    “Apparently that is so,” I said, trying to push the anxiety concerning the quartz from my mind. I paused and then thought, “if we get out of here. We could go for tea, or a beer?”

    Kora nodded slowly, “okay, but what about -.” She glanced at the couch but stopped talking about it. “Nevermind, let’s go..”

    “That's my problem to deal with. We have maybe an hour and so. When whatever happens, happens … you should probably just go when it does,” I smiled slightly as I grabbed the door and yanked it back. “Shall we?”

    She sucked in her bottom lip for a moment, giving the sofa one last longing look. “We shall,” she stepped out into the hallway.

    Smiling, I reached and grabbed her hand without permission. Then I firmly locked the door behind me, leaving the quartz there for future me to deal with. “There's a pub just at the corner,” I explained. “Also we may need to postpone our exploration of the city for a couple of days.”

    Kora glanced to our fingers that were interlaced. She looked up, a shocked expression masked her angelic features. “That’s okay, I plan to go back to the inn for my things and then back to Falleni. Can’t stay in one place for too long.” She smiled softly, for the first time since being at the court it reached her dark eyes.

    “Falleni?” I asked, frowning. “But aren't you wanting to stay away from your father and brother? Are they not there?”

    She shook her head, “Thayden will be off either with my father or still searching for me. I believe they won’t look for me there. Not after it being so soon from my mother’s murder. Plus I have to get back to dancing, making money to be able to pay for as much traveling as I plan to do.”

    “Well we can fix that partly,” as I headed down the stairs I dug into my pocket and brought out a few bright Raeairan coins. I held them out to her. “It's not much, but it should cover a night or two here.”

    She smiled at me as she took my hand instead of the coins and kissed the inside of my wrist. “No Charon, keep it. I make good money dancing, I will only have to do it for a few weeks before I have enough to travel.” She pushed my hand back towards my pocket.

    I frowned slightly, but nodded, letting them fall back into my pocket as we got to the last step. Pushing open the door at the bottom I held it out for her and nodded at the corner of the alleyway, where indeed a quiet pub was setting up for the evening. “There.”

    Koreena took in the brick building, her eyes glanced from me to the pub smiling. A fond memory of their first encounter pop in her mind. “Let’s take advantage of the time we have left together.” She pulled me along into the small pub. Willingly I went, my fingers becoming intertwined with hers.

    I ordered two beers at the bar, cold and refreshing for the heat we had been through so far. Then we settled in a small corner, away from others and private, at least for now. Sitting opposite her I gazed at her beauty for a moment, simply taking it in - her perfectly formed jaw, her bright eyes and the mane of dark hair. My chest heaved up and down as my fingers curled around my drink.

    “So,” I said quietly. “What else do you want to know about me?”

    Her fingers curled around her cool mug as she took a drink. She moaned softly as the bitter taste danced on her taste buds. She had some foam on her top lip from the beer. Her tongue rolled over it, collecting it in one swift movement. “Your favorite book! You have so many but never disclosed which one you loved most.”

    That honestly took me back. I had been expecting her to ask on how Selena mother and I had meant or something similar. “I …” I paused. “My favourite one. I don't think … I don't … is it cheating if I say all of them?” Slyly, I smiled.

    Her melodic laughter filled my ears as she nodded. “Yes!” Her laughter turned into small giggles. “Fine! What was the one thing you read that made you want to become a Professor?”

    Ah that one I knew. “I used to listen to all the stories of the souls I transported,” I said, smiling. “They all had different lives, backgrounds and cultures. When they began to teach me things, such as philosophy, mathematics and science, it came to a point where I could fully engage in a conversation, and finally I realised I was actually teaching others what I had learnt from similar people a century or so before.” The explanation was brief, but complete. I smiled more and sat back in my seat. “With all the knowledge I have incorporated and all the books I now have it seemed only right to begin teaching others what I had learnt.”

    “Wow that is amazing!” She smiled taking another drink from her mug. “Your turn to ask me something.”

    I raised my brow, trying to think. “What - what was it like growing up with parents?” I was genuinely curious, having never had the experience, unless one counted Erebus, the great darkness, who told me my name at the beginning of time, then hardly spoke to me since.

    Kora looked surprised at the question I had asked. Her brow knitted together as she tried to think of a good way to explain it. She set her mug on the table. “Well I grew up mostly with just my mother. Joshua wasn’t around a lot. He would stop by every few years but around the time I came into my succubi powers he stopped coming. My mother though, she was amazing. So caring and taught me many things. The thing that sucks about loving someone that much is when you lose them you feel like you lose a piece of yourself.”

    Slowly I nodded, listening and taking in her words. The story filled me with a partial understanding of what it was like to have a mother, and possibly even to grow up, yet still left me empty somewhat, devoid of recognition for what a family was. Love for family - that I could comprehend, for there were definitely moments in time when I had particularly felt strong regard for a sibling. But it felt I was still missing the notion of how a mother-father-sibling core unit worked. Maybe I never would.

    “Your turn,” I said warmly.

    She tapped her chin for a moment thinking. “Alright, when you spoke about your first love and it being a mistake, where you talking about Selena’s mother?”

    My smile vanished from my face. I stared at her. “What? When did I say … that?”

    A frown came to her own lips as she pushed and hand through her thick mane. “The other day you said you had only been in love once and it was a mistake.”

    “I …” I looked awkward and I shifted, feeling uncomfortable. “Well yes, I have been, at least in terms of the strength of the feelings and it was Sephora, Selena's mother but … it would never have worked.”

    Kora nodded accepting my answer, “your turn.”

    That last one felt as if she had taken all my emotions. But then, the question I had asked before had been cruel and cutting also to hers. I paused, thinking of what might be easier.

    “Your name. What does it mean?”

  2. #2

    EXP: 2,021, Level: 2
    Level completed: 1%, EXP required for next Level: 2,979
    Level completed: 1%,
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    sorrow-summit's Avatar


    Koreena Lynn Cronen
    “My full name is Koreena Lynn Cronen. Koreena means pure, Lynn for my aunt that was murdered.” She picked up her mug taking a drink. “When I was born my mother said my hair was almost white as snow, my dark complexion. I looked so pure so they named me Koreena.” She smiled as her eyes drank him in. He looked completely different when he wasn’t at his brother’s court. Here he was relaxed, smiled more.

    Slowly he nodded, a smile coming to his lips. “I see. Pure, that suits you.” He drank back a swig of beer. “So. Another one for me?”

    Koreena smiled, she thought for a moment. “I know this is a simple one but some of the simplest questions can help you know a person better.” She paused grinning, “favorite color and why!”

    He almost laughed, face splitting with a wide smile. “Boring. I like grey. Mostly because it's somewhere between black and white, and I have never been entirely good nor wholly evil.” He nodded, “that was a good one. What's yours?”

    “Sunset. I love watching the sunset, the colors blending beautifully. Pinks, purples, orange, reds and blues all melting together. I used to watch the sun set on a cliff in Falleni.” Her eyes almost daze as she was back there staring at it right now.

    Leaning back he approved greatly, joy appearing in his eyes. “A lot more hope than I could ever have. You have a bright future, Kora. Now, one for me?” The mood, at least, seemed lighter now.

    “Do you want to see me again?” She asked almost so innocently.

    That made him go silent. Stunned, he stared at her, the happiness that had been in his eyes fading, to be replaced by utter shock. “In - in what manner are you speaking of? As friends or as lovers or … something else?” His words were tentative, full of tension.

    Koreena smiled softly shaking her head, “always taking such a simple question and turning it complex. Whichever you please, will we leave here leaving it too the fates to bring us back together or will we seek one another out?”

    He was still for some moments longer, staring at her with surprise. Eyes wide and knuckles white on the glass. “Kora … I. Well I'm the one staying in the same place so … it would be if you came back. I don't know where you might be. Aside from the letter idea, but they could take weeks to come and I may have to head off every so often, at times when I cannot control it. Thus, it may have to be up to the fates. Though I will be sending you a note when I know where might be safe to survive the …” he glanced around them, seeing the people around them. “The … you know what.”

    “A complex answer for a complex man.” She sighed but still a soft smile graced her lips. “Your question for me?”

    “Do you want to see me again?” he asked immediately.

    “What do you mean, as lovers, friends or more?” She gasped placing a hand over her mouth, mocking as if she was shocked. A small giggle left her lips. “Of course I wish to see you, Charon. For some reason I feel drawn to you, I wish to explore whatever this - “ She motioned the area between the two. “Could be, friendship, lovers or more.”

    What emitted from his mouth was not a laugh, not a cry either though. Instead it was an amused grunt, as he looked down, right into his beer. A small smile was on his face, yet note of sorrow was in his eye. “Then we see how it comes with time?” he murmured.

    “Yes all in do time.” She took a drink of her beer, more like a gulp. “So your daughter, you should spend more time with her.” She said quickly changing the subject. “A daughter learns how a man should love a woman.” She smiled sadly into her beer.

    “I've only known she was mine for a week,” he said, brows raised, “and she's been living with me, in my home.”

    “But she is yours no matter the time length.” Koreena countered. Her index finger spun around the rim of her glass. Her eyes catching his as she raised a slender brow.

    “Yes,” he nodded, looking anxious. “I know. But there are far other pressing matters …”

    “Ah, don’t make an excuse, Charon.” She sounded like a mother reprimanding a child. “Make time for her and for yourself. Enjoy the small things, please.” She said the last bit softly as she stopped circling the rim of her cup.

    He looked at her awkwardly, rubbing at his chin, “Kora …”

    “Why do you sigh my name like that?” She tilted her head slightly.

    “Because you say things that I cannot find arguments against, and that's rare for me. I'm good at excuses … In case you didn't realise.”

    She laughed softly. Just then thunder cracked and the heavens opened up drowning the hearth in it’s tears. A grin came to her lips as she set down her beer. “Gift me with your first careless moment.” She took his hand tugging him to follow. She let it fall from her grasp as she ran from the pub into the pouring rain. The laughter mixed with the sound of the drops beating against the ground. She spun around in the street, beckoning for him to come out to her. “Char!” The silk dress now clinging to her like a second skin.

    He shook his head and quickly drained his beer before she let go of his hand. Letting out a laugh he followed her, feeling the rain dance on their skin, flowing down their bodies and to the ground. Taking and then gripping her hand tightly he came to her side again as they let themselves be drenched.

    Koreena turned so that she was facing him, she held his hand close to her chest. “Remember these times, you can be serious most of the times but when things get to crazy and stressful close your eyes. Remember this moment here right now. The way the cool rain feels against your skin, the way it feels to be near me, our skin touching.” Her breathing picked up as her chest rose and fell a little more quickly.

    He breathed slow and long, though his heart danced. Smiling, he closed his eyes and let himself be free, sliding his arms around her shoulders, gently holding her to him. He hummed softly in her ear as the rain continued to fall from the sky; refreshing and joyful. Together they began to twist in circles, like a waltz unbidden.

    Kora wrapped her arms tightly around him as they spun. The rain around them creating the music that they danced too. To onlookers they would simply look like two people crazy in love, they would never know that so much weighed heavily on both of them. In this moment they were just two people enjoying the rain, embraced with one another.

  3. #3

    EXP: 8,146, Level: 3
    Level completed: 79%, EXP required for next Level: 854
    Level completed: 79%,
    EXP required for next Level: 854

    Professor Charles's Avatar


    Charles Rivers
    I danced with her, like there was no end to the world. Like we could spin forever and there would be no consequences. In that moment the apocalypse did not matter, my duties and needs did not matter. It was just the young demi-succubus and I, a pair of misfits in an ugly world, who had been brought together by violence, separated by violence and now were once more on good terms beneath the open sky.

    Delighted, and filled with wonder I laughed, as she both seduced me and amused me with her body, perfect for dancing and swaying to the rhythm of the droplets of water. We were but a pair of fools, but fools can make a world of difference. My eyes opened to gaze at her as we twirled, swirled and curled our bodies. In the heat of the moment, beneath that darkening, dusky sky I bent down towards her and matched my lips with hers - willingly, knowing what she felt, knowing what might never be.

    As if it were something familiar to her, my lips against hers, she responded quickly. Her lips melted into my own. The rain had stopped bathing us as she had held the droplets suspended around us. The small beads of water shined like an expensive chandelier. Her hands tangled themselves into my hair. My eyes only briefly glanced at the frozen water as I became lost in the romance of the piece. We were a pair, two though that almost required to be as one in that time. My hand pressed her to me, clutching at the small of her back as I slipped my tongue between her lips.

    Her body responded to me with ease, she pressed herself against me. A moan slipped from her mouth and into mine. She let me explore her mouth until her tongue tangled itself with my own. Both massaging one another as we clung to each other as if our lives depended on it.

    And it was joyful. It was pleasing. Regina was but a dim memory in that moment, for this young woman was my attention, my life, my lover. Feelings … I did not know if I had them for her, but certainly my body longed for her to be close - close to me. With me. Around me. I had her in my arms and I didn't want to let her go. I broke off the kiss and simply held her to me.

    But good things can never last forever. My eyes, as they wandered from hers out into the land of frozen raindrops and a fistful of stunned onlookers, caught sight of the movement. A young-looking woman, eyes bright and beady, with golden hair and curling horns, staring at us from across the street. Hemera, my sister and Nyx’s twin. I blinked as I looked for her, knowing very much who she was out looking for, and I paused, hating that this world was coming crashing in.

    I hugged Kora to me. “Don't freak now,” I whispered, “but my sister is here. One of them, anyway.” I kept our twirl going, as my lips curled into a grin. “I've got an idea, but you need to be up for it.”

    She clung to me now, the droplets wavered in their suspended state. She allowed me to continue to twirl her around. “I am up for anything, Charon.” Her lips grazed against my earlobe as she spoke.

    My grin grew, watching my sister as she remained there, head tilted, and gently gazing. She was a kind soul, only wanting the best for us all, but for now, all I wanted to do was be with Kora. So I kept us twirling for some more moments, as my hands slid down her body to grasp her hand. “Just try to keep up,” I whispered, “and …” I pressed my heels into the earth, halting us.

    “Run!” Suddenly I moved, my boots splashing in the rain. In a woosh of motion I was then racing, tugging her with me as from my voice rose a bright laugh.

    Kora’s own laughter spilled from her still swollen lips from the passionate kiss we had just shared. She pumped her legs, her heels digging into the soft ground. Just the she released the rain from her magic. The droplets spilling down against the hearth in a downpour. Delight shining bright in both of our eyes.

    “Char!” I heard Hemera’s bright voice behind us. I pounded my muscles, pulling us away from her. Grinning like a fool, like the fool I currently was, I guided Kora around a corner, where I went into a full out sprint. I didn't mention that this could only last so long, because we both knew it already. But endorphins and excitement - that was enough for now.

    Koreena’s long legs pumped, she kept up with my speed fairly well, falling behind only a bit. The look on her face was of pure joy, she looked carefree and wet. We rounded another corner into an alleyway where I stopped suddenly looping my arm around her curvy waste. Both of our breathing was labored, like two youths we laughed softly. The sound of the rain beating against the world drowning out anything else. Her hand snaked its way to my cheek.

    “Come back to me when you can,” she whispered, the happiness that was on her face fading away.

    My lips curled into a smile, as I pressed her back against the wall, gently sliding a hand along her jaw to cup it back. My eyes were filled with pure joy. “If you want me to, I will,” I whispered.

    “I want nothing more then to be back here in your arms. Time may pass between us but come back when you are able so we may share more moments like this.” She breathed, her warm breath fanning my face.

    I took in a long breath, taking in her sight, her smell and her sound. Then, I cut off her words as I pressed my lips once more to hers and our kiss became true once more. Her plush lips wrapped around mine, melting into each other as one. Her fingers ran down my check to the nape of my neck. Her hand curled around as she pulled me closer. “Charon,” she moaned into my mouth.

    “Hello,” I murmured back, curling my fingers into her hair, closing my eyes and forgetting all else. The rain, the town, the footsteps quietly approaching.

    All but her.

    “When you are done …” a quiet, familiar voice said.

    Koreena stiffened under my touch. “Don’t forget me.” She whispered softly, almost desperately.

    “I don't forget easily,” I murmured back, staring into her eyes, smiling gently.

    I could see tears mixed with raindrops started to streak down her face. “Go, go save the world..” Her voice crack, and though she said to leave she didn’t release me.

    Save the world? That was something I hoped for. Lightly, I laughed as I kissed her once in the head, then drew away. My eyes looked right, and I saw Morningstar himself there, three metres away and leaning against the wall, watching us. His eyes were dull, his skin crawling with crimson, and his hands cupped behind him. As our eyes met he raised an eyebrow, then he glanced at Kora.

    “Can I have him back yet?”

    Koreena twisted her head, her gaze falling on my brother. She glared at him, “if you must..” She turned back to me, her lips quickly claiming mine, an innocent kiss before she pulled back. “I’ll see you in due time.” She whispered.

    “Unfortunately, I must,” he nodded as he pushed away from the wall, shoulders rolling back. He smiled at her in his eerily genuine pleasant way, but that which spoke of other conditions. Lifting a hand he gestured to me, pointing down the end of the alleyway. “Come, Charon.”

    “I'll see you soon,” I muttered, as I kissed her back quick. Then, for a final time, I pulled away, knowing where my destiny lay. I gave her a final nod, before I twisted on my heel and began to head towards the man I had once hated with every fibre of my being. As I came close my brother's smile grew more genuine, and he stepped towards me, a hand settling on my shoulder.

    “Take care of him, Morningstar!” I heard Koreena holler after me. A somber look that didn’t belong on her stunning face.

    I gave her a fond wave over my shoulder as Morningstar let out a light laugh of amusement at her words. Then his grip at my shoulder tightened, there was a flash of light and we were away from the rain.

    Second Part of Koreena and Charon ~fin~

  4. #4
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Kora and Charon Part 2: Patience, patience rewards

    Professor Charles gains 1360 EXP and 160 GP.
    sorrow-summit gains 1060 EXP and 150 GP.

    sorrow-summit advances to level 2!

    Congratulations, and enjoy your adventures on Althanas!
    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

  5. #5
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Rewards added.
    "The breeze did not stir. The stars did not twinkle. The trees did not sway and the brook did not babble.
    For the world did not turn when Am'aleh wept, and a tear had tumbled down her cheek."

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