Koreena groaned inwardly, of course it would be her luck that in the midst of a hot steamy makeout his daughter, who she was meeting for the first time would walk in. She took a deep breath and laid there, should she even sit up making it more awkward then it already was. Was she the type to cry, having seen her father in the embrace of another female? KC never understood that, why was that an initial reaction is to cry?

Kora chewed on the inside of her cheek before she slowly sat up. She pushed a hand through her multi colored locks. “Hello,” she said softly and as kind as possible.

Charon was on his feet, awkwardly smiling, “Selena … this is Koreena, my … friend. Kora, this is my … this is Selena.”

“His biological daughter,” the young woman mumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around her. Her eyes stared at him. “How - what about Regina?”

A wince fell across his face. “I'll talk about her later, Selena. You have to understand that our people -”

“Most people are cheats?” she muttered, “yeah I grew up with mum. And Morté.” And she looked at Kora. “Hi, I guess.”

Koreena’s slender brows pulled together as she got out of the bed in one fluid motion. “That’s one way to look at the world.” She shrugged her shoulders, no one can be sheltered from the world forever. There are worse things than being a cheat.

“That's not quite what I was going to say,” Charon scowled, “but Kora and I are friends.”

“Ah so not ‘girl-friend. Whale of a difference,” but she waved at Kora with a half-hearted flutter of her hand. “Guess hi, Char's friend. You here for a while?”

KC laughed softly before shaking her head. “I am not girlfriend material but all in the same, lovely to meet you.” She paused for a moment, “as long as I’m welcomed.” She glanced from Selena to her father.

Charon shrugged. “Well it's my home so … yes. Selena is here until she finds somewhere better.” He glanced back at Kora. “Fresh tea, or coffee?”

“The choices are move back down to Rahl, stay with Morningstar, or here. You said it was okay that I moved in,” she scowled.

“That you moved in until you found something better,” he corrected and smiled at Kora. “Tea or coffee?”

Koreena watched the two bicker back and forth at one another before she smiled pleasantly at Charon. “Tea please.” She turned towards Selena, “have you seen the world?” Such a simple question she asked but there was hope in it.

He nodded a little, a warm glow in his eyes as he did, then he turned around to begin heading back through the door. Selena had to move to the side to let him past, but beyond that she remained where she was.

Firmly, she shook her head. “Not much, no. My father Morté, that is, the man who brought me up, is the tyrannical demon lord ruler of an underworld. We call it Rahl. Mum is his queen, Charon was his slave for a few thousand years,” she waved a hand. “He likes the whole 'anyone who is not him should be seen, not heard’ and that applied especially if you're his child and a girl. Closeted childhood.” She shrugged. “Why do you ask?”

She flopped back down onto the bed as she gazed up at the ceiling. Her mind wandered to all the places that she could possibly see. “I intend to travel the world one day, maybe you should come with. I’ve never seen much but I intend to. Freedom is a thing most people take for granted.”

Selena narrowed her eyes a little, curious. “Travel with my biological father's sex partner when we have only just met?” Her eyes blinked. “You're as bonkers as him,” yet her lips twisted up in a wicked smile. “Whyever not?”

Koreena laughed shaking her head. “I’m Charon’s friend. Didn’t you hear him say so?” She sighed laying there for a moment. “Why shouldn’t to sheltered girls not go see the world together? I mean I can be a bad influence at times but good times are to be had by all.”

“People say I'm a bad influence,” Selena leant against the doorway. She looked at Kora up and down. “So who's your parents? Born out of wedding vows like me, or a better sort of family? And how old are you?”

KC snorted, unlady like. She rolled to her side so she could see Selena, the fair, raven haired beauty. “My father fucked my Mother to please the moon Goddess so she would bed him under the order of his water Goddess he serves..” She ran a hand up and down her form, gesturing to herself. “That is how myself and my twin came to be. No love involved. The only love I’ve ever had is my mother’s and she has passed.”

A frown pulled at her plush lips as she cleared her throat awkwardly. “Sorry, that was pretty doom and gloom. I’m old enough.” She rolled onto her back again.