Koreena smiled at his little kind gestures of affection. It was nice not to feel the pressure of a relationship weighing on her. If she was truly being honest with herself, commitment scared her breathless. Her eyes glanced around the simple room, she took a small sip of her hot tea. The warmth soothing her nerves and throat.

“I like it, simple and yours. I bounce from inn to inn but that is also for other personal reasons.” She said softly.

“I actually moved here only a couple of weeks ago,” I nodded, shrugging off my robe awkwardly as I switched my tea from one hand to the other, “before that I had a small apartment in Alerar, where I taught for a few months and before that Akashima. My darling brother Morningstar thought it better I live here,” I rolled my eyes a little.

Koreena smiled softly as she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. She let her hand slip over the bedspread feelings the soft material. Her gaze fell on him, “well consider it a blessing in disguise my love.” She set her tea on the night desk next to her as she patted the spot next to her.

“Come here, you look tense.” She purred gently.

He smiled slightly, but only slightly, and came forwards. Pushing his tea onto the table also, he breathed out in a sigh as he took a seat next to her. He kicked off his boots before pulling his legs up onto the bed with him, folding them into a cross.

“I'm tense a lot of the time, but only because I never know what will happen next. When you're me it's hard to relax.”

Her expression soften as she kicked off her sandals. She placed herself behind him, either leg on the side of him. Her fingertips started to massage his shoulders as she peppered soft kisses along his back. “Well I am here to remind to relax, breathe and enjoy the little things.”

He let out a contented moan and leaned into her hands. After a moment of silence he hummed, eyes closing slowly. “You are talented.”

She laughed, shaking her head as she let her digits work on the knots in his shoulders. “Yes I am but I am also practical and you need to enjoy life a little more.” She gave him another kiss on the shoulder. She pushed herself onto her knees so that she could massage him at a better angle.

“I won’t even start to pretend I know what is going on between yourself and your brother but I will say the little things you can control you should enjoy more.” She grinned, kissing him down his neck.

“He has a habit of quite literally kidnapping me,” he said in a low, but pleased voice. Pleased because of the massage. “Though recently I became a little more powerful than he was expecting so we had to rearrange our deal somewhat. He's … interesting. The personification of power, actually.” And he smiled warmly. “You kiss well also. I would say you do have the powers of a succubus.”

She giggled softly as she nipped at his neck now. “Well if he tries to steal you again while I’m around he will have to deal with this succubus.” Her fingers kneaded into the deep tissues of his back working their way down his spine.