Softly, her hand lingered on the muzzle of the great beast, all mottled in the greys, browns and greens of nature, yet dark so that he would merge easily into shadow. Delath still growled gently, faced with the being who had caused her so much pain, standing before them now. With his top lip drawn back to reveal those canines that could swallow whole buildings and had proven so useful for the Assembly's United Forces during the short war, he dared any others to harm her ever again. Yet thirty feet in length, with a tail that had to be so carefully dragged through the streets so that he didn't knock over every spare gargoyle, cat or wandering child, Delath was a monster who could not follow her everywhere.

Especially not into the tall building that the enemy-not-enemy-Osiris was gesturing elegantly too. All dressed up in his fancy fluffy attire. Delath wanted to eat him in a munch.

Mother, he complained to her mental space, as her hand began to leave his snout. He had called her mother ever since he had learnt to talk. It was not quite an accurate notion of the relationship they shared, but it was how best he had learnt to relate his feelings towards her.

I promise will be fine, Philomel whispered to him.

She will be, confirmed a third voice, male and light into their shared mental conversation. A pointed snout appeared between Delath's horns, golden eyes blinking. Then Veridian descended from the same saddle Philomel had been moments before, scurrying down Delath's shoulder and pattering on his four paws over to her side. I will be with her. And the new bodyguard.

The Matriarch of the Gilded Lily, the priestess of the tree-goddess Drys, Lady of the Gilded Fortress, High Courtesan and once dread pirate, smiled at her two companions. She was clothed in her best attire for this ceremony of negotiation and treatises; in her full red drakescale battle corset and mythril chainmail, with her tough leather greaves and two white-bladed swords today on either hip. Various other weapons were attached to her body, and overall she was draped in a shimmering white cloak that had been created for her out of flowers with the blessing of the mood goddess. Her chestnut hair was elaborately plaited into several long strands, and coiled around her dominating ram's horns. Altogether she spoke power, and she spoke glory - the glory of a queen yet to be crowned.

Around her the five members of her new 'bodyguard' - the Gilded Quint - gathered, climbing off their own steeds. Alois, the archer who seemed to have claimed herself the title of spokeswoman and leader of the Quint, took a stance directly to Philomel's right. Each of them had been a member of the Gilded Lily within Radasanth, a whore at some point in their lives and lately, a warrior. They each owed Philomel deep loyalty and gratitude for changing their lives into becoming strong, independent women of their own right, and now had sworn themselves to her protection.

They would follow her anywhere now, so long as she allowed it. And though Philomel had always been one to favour travel by herself, she knew that in these cold circumstances of Apocalypse and War one had to be extraordinarily careful.

And thus she stepped forwards, towards Shinsou, the man she loved and hated, to discuss the future of Tylmerande.

Veridian stayed close to her heels as she caught up with him, her eyes determined not to directly look at him, despite the fact he had saved her life in Radasanth when the meteor had struck and the fact they had already talked. Albeit never alone and not much.

"They told me you got injured," she hissed at him.

He didn't seem to be in bad shape. Or, he seemed to be hiding whatever injury he received well, if his walk and his clothes were anything to go by.

The Telgradian smiled; that irritating, charming smile that he did that had haunted her dreams night after night. And her thoughts. When she had lived in jealousy because he had been sleeping with another woman ... damn him.

Philomel, Veridian scowled.

Yes, thank you, beloved, she replied with a sigh. He is still a bastard, I know.

But any answer Shinsou was to give was cut off by Alois stepping closer. It seemed that the archer did not trust Philomel being so close to the Telgradian. She shared a nod with Raine, who Philomel now noticed in close proximity and the party moved onward.

They moved into the tall building in the square, where representatives of both Brotherhood and Corone Assembly seemed to be keeping peace. Open double doors stood before them, that led into a short entrance hall and thence directly to a broad and sparse chamber, whose stone walls reflected those of the exterior. A great table laden with drink, parchment, food and all the other accoutrements one might expect from a scene where history would be made stood in the centre, alongside various sized chairs. There were three throne-like high-backed seats.

One of them was currently occupied, by a local lord loyal to the Assembly - Percy of Herk, Philomel had been told. He leapt from the chair as she approached, smiled faintly and gestured to it.

At least he knew how to respect a lady. The Matriarch grunted and made her way directly over to the chair, moving her swords aside as she sunk down. From that point she could see the table, the majority of the room, the people. Alois took her right hand side, Veridian leapt easily onto her lap, and the rest of the Quint took up stances around her.

"For those who don't know me, I am Philomel van der Aart, Matriarch of the Gilded Lily, high priestess of Drys, and temporarily honorary General of the Corone Assembly's United Forces. I have sort of been given permission to speak on the Assembly's behalf, alongside Percy of Herk here ... sort of. There are things to talk about. Like you lot getting out of here." Her hand vaguely gestured to the Brotherhood representatives.

She paused before she looked at Shinsou. "So? How do you want to do this?"