I stepped out of the pocket that was my quarters. I looked out. The realm had grown thick in dark mist. Confused, I blinked as a started to step forward.


I saw something up ahead. As I walked towards it, I felt the air grow more heavy. My sense of magic started going haywire. I was slapped in the face insane power. I stopped, feeling the need to turn back.

Yet, I saw them. There were two figures ahead. Even through the thick smoke I recognized one of them. It was Gwenael, sporting his six wings and talons. Next to him stood a tall, cloaked woman wrapped in an air of reverence.

Another Thayne!

A stood back as they spoke. I was positive I knew who they were. Yet, I stood where she could not overwhelm me.

Swiftly, the conversation ended. Gwenael bowed, then walked towards me. As the Thayne turned and walked the other way, Gwenael approached me. He appeared irritated, his eyebrows narrowed. His amber eyes glistened in fresh frustration. His fists were tightened. I knew anger well, it was probably my most common emotion. I raised an eyebrow as he approached me.

He sighed heavily , "She said I have to send you back."

Shock took me for a moment, then disappeared. With how much Gwenael was disrespected by the "higher" Thaynes, I was not surprised. I thought it was stupid, the way They treated him. I was but one of those foolish mortals though, so, whatever I guess. The best I could do was treat him respectfully myself.

I crossed my arms, "Changed Their minds again?"

He lowered his head, "Yes..."

His hands loosened in defeat. I could tell the conversation I saw drained him. I reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I'll get my stuff. Then I'll go back."

He did not move.

I leaned closer, "Gwenael?"

He finally looked up, his expression dull and tired.

"Thank you," I tried to smile. "You have taught me so much since you've brought me here."

He finally showed a hint of a smile, "I hope it will help you in the long run."

I nodded, lowering my arm. As I turned to leave, he called. "Felicity!"

I turned back to his direction.

In the vast ether, his voice echoed despite a lack of distance. "I will be coming with."