Light swirled as I stepped into the circle. Gwenael smiled at me with a nervous light in his eyes.

What does he have to be nervous about?

I simply pulled my bag up and closed my eyes. The magic felt stiff and heavy. I felt a bit whoozy as the magic kept growing. I felt Gwenael steadying me, keeping me from completely falling over.

Even with my eyes closed, I could see the light in my eyelids. Swirling colors at a rapid speed. Glowing particles racing in cycles. We were returning to Corone.

The magic continued to push past a point I could not bear. Magical overload. Anxiety threatened to decimate my chest. My stomach grew unsettled and ill tempered.

"We are almost there." Gwenael reassured me. Or tried. I bent over as a throb shook my chest.

Just as the tingling of power began to deminish, another throb. Soon enough, I felt my throat forced to expand. Foul tasting, horrific smelling bile spewed from my mouth. Lightheaded, I was unable to tell what was going on around me. It was so bright...

Then, I felt solid ground. My eyes, once squeezed shut, began to open. The magic was gone. I thought for a moment that my stomach was okay now. Yet, when I saw the gross remains of my last meal in a patch of grass.


I did not even realize that Gwenael had helped me collapse somewhere aside my half digested lunch. I stopped shaking and steadily regained my senses.

The familiar yet long missed sound of birds singing brushed my ears. My nose was still suffering from the overwhelming stench of vomit, yet I knew what I would smell if it were not for that. I felt a cool breeze and bitter air. I looked up to the see a deeply clouded sky.

The tall grasses, mostly yellow in color, brushed against my skin. I Iooked down to see that my brown dress was stained with green. As the wind continued to soothe my pale skin, I looked over to Gwenael. He had his eyes closed now, head tilted towards the sky. His eyes were closed, he seemed to be in thought. I took another look around. This place seemed familiar. A field. Hills surrounded it; yet the sound of slow waves could be faintly, barely, heard as well.

I felt excitement as I realized what this place was. We were near the entrance of Radansanth!

I reached into my bag and pulled out a bottle of water. I rinsed the barf from my mouth, then blew my nose on a napkin. After being able to properly smell the plants and air again, I put everything back in the bag and stood up. I forgot who was with me. I started for the nearest hill when-

-"Wait for me!"

I skidded to a halt, causing a dirt cloud. I turned around to see Gwenael still sitting in that meditative stance.

I pointed to the hill, impatience rising in my chest. "C'mom!"

Gwenael opened his eyes and finally stood up. His grey trench coat flowed in the wind as he walked up to me. His face was etched in nervousness. It pricked my curiosity once again.

Together, we climbed the hill. Pulling my dress above ankles, I staggered up with the bag on my back. I realized that despite the dark grey clouds, there was not a hint of rain or storm. The air was too dry for that. Once again, confusion.

I finally made it to the top. Gwenael was standing still, facing the direction of the city. I dropped my dress and caught my breath. It only took a second. I noticed that Gwenael'S face was somber. I raised an eyebrow before turning to the city.

I gasped.

The city was in ruins.