After I had settled into my makeshift seat, someone called from the back. "All fixed!"

Men started shouting their ready's to each other. As one of the guards started checking all the equipment one more time, I continued to check over my supplies.

Gwenael spoke, "He did not steal anyth-"

"-I don't want to talk to you right now."

Gwenael shut his trap and kept it shut.

I pulled out my mirror. It had a wooden frame, but the fanciful design and reflective piece itself was made of ice. It was still chilled...

Memories of where I got this knocked at the door of my head. I had received it from one of my first opponents in the Citadel, turned friend. I looked back at the ruins of the city that housed the monumental building.

Why did this happen?

I steadily realised that the mirror was not the only causing the goosebumps on my skin. I slid the mirror into my bag again and looked up. The clouds in the sky were insanely thick for something caused by mere weather. Indeed, the temperature had dropped drastically since her last time here.

Once again, questions swarmed my mind. These questions needed answering. I was still not happy with Gwenael, who seemed completely unaffected by the temperature. I decided to ask the elf who invited us to come instead.

I was jolted by sudden movement. I grasped the cloth I was sitting on as the wagon jostled. The caravan had begun to move again. The hooves of horses clattered against the overgrown road as the party moved at last. I reached back and pulled my hair tie out. My hair began to fly in the wind caused by the combined wagon speed and wind. I felt too cold. This was not like Corone, was it? It felt cold like winter.

I pulled my cloak out of my bag and pulled it over myself. Clasping it around my neck, I pulled the grey hood up. I looked over to Vanytar. Finally, I leaned forward and shouted.

"What's this 'gate' we're going to? Why is it so cold?"