"Now, Radansanth is in pieces. Corone is devasted."

I pulled myself back over into the center of the wagon again. A gust of wind blew all of a sudden. It made me cough. I looked around to see that the people journeying without masks or headgear were coughing as well.

"Blasted ash!" One man cried from the back of the caravan.

After recovering from the coughing bout, I realized I felt even colder still. Shivering, I wrapped my cloak over my body as the elf turned to look at the road again.

The road was slow, cold, and dreary. As we traveled onwards, I took notice of a group of deer in the distance, at the edge of a dying cluster of trees. One of the soldiers pointed at them and drew Vanytar's attention to them. "That's a rare deer found in Concordia. What are they doing out here?"

"Changes in migration patterns, perhaps."

The soldier and I both turned to see Gwenael meditating beside me. Without opening his eyes, he continued to speak. "Animals are as harshly hit as you are, it seems. So. Changes in behavior."

"Huh!" the soldier cried as if it made perfect sense. I turned to Gwenael and watched his calm disposition. The Thayne of time likely knew this was the case. He probably saw it. Still hiding his identity as a strange human from the east, however, he remained in appearance of simplistic theory.

I leaned towards him. Of course, I knew the truth. I finally decided to speak to him again.

"How does this all end?" I whispered.

"I thought you didn't want to hear me." Gwenael retorted.

"Whatever," I swatted it aside, "How does this end?"

"No human extinction or anything. Most likely." He said quietly enough for no one to hear.

"Likely?" I rolled my eyes, "That's helpful..."

"Felicity," Gwenael sighed, "I know you're upset."

"Upset?"I leaned back again, feeling myself churn hotter. My chest beated faster as I tried to contain how angry I was." Upset! Upset does not begin to describe it!

If others started looking at us, I did not care. My voice raised higher and higher, the floodgates flowing in a way I felt was useless to control.

"Last time I was here, Corone was perfect! But you whisked me away with good hearing words and now look!"

Gwenael opened a single eye, watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"How could you?!"