Obviously, the faun missed. Good.

The faun moved with enhanced speed as she raced towards her with a shinning blade. The quality weapon was raised high, reflecting sunlight, as she hammered it down. Felicity's mind snapped into the game. She pulled her sword out with her spare hand, blocking perfectly.

Felicity realized the qualities of their swords were easily different. They looked similar, as if made of different metals. Yet, the craftmanship was also dissimilar. Felicity growled as the woman bore a cocky grin. The girl tossed her bow away and forced the blade forward, then, the lock was broken. Felicity felt comfortably strong as the swords clashed again and again.

As gentle wind rustled their long hair, causing blind spots at times, Felicity met her blow to blow. Yet, she failed to land a hit. This faun was an elegant, experienced warrior. She probably had more experience than herself. Felicity realized that perhaps, wits would be needed to solve this one. Indeed, Felicity enjoyed fights like this. The leaves of the tree crunched beneath them as Felicity steadily backed up, out of the shade and into the sunlight.

The sun super heated Felicity's red hair as she started to grow in frustration. At this rate, the faun would land a blow before her! The ragechild was not willing to let this faun know her secret power yet... She hastened her steps as swerved aside, reaching into her quiver and pulling an arrow out. She then closed in, activating her plan.

She used her blade in attempts to push her opponent's blade up. Distraction one. Then, she used use her other hand to stab the arrow into her upper body. Distraction two. Felicity knew anyone skilled to handle two attacks at once. That was easy. No, Felicity planned on something else entirely. These two attacks were focused on the upper body, not beneath. Felicity knew she needed a feel for how the faun's legs worked. Those hooves has to hurt. Yet, as durable as she was, Felicity was able to brush off the idea of the pain caused by a hoof in the kisser. Felicity raised her leg, using a well placed kick to unbalance the faun's sturdy legs. Maybe, if she was stopped for a moment, Felicity could use the combination of unarmed and armed martial arts to overwhelm her.

Felicity had forgotten about the joyous scenery around her. Her mind was on her opponent. Not the flowers, not the sun, not the rolling hills surrounding them in bliss. This was war, and Felicity could not be any happier.