Patiently Selena stood, looking the image of a ballerina in passive pose. Arms held still by her side, yet with a small, elegant curve to them, legs straight, heels together and toes pointed delicately. There she stood, chin high, hair bound in a bold bun as the seamstresses worked around her, weaving their magic as they made her her first 'royal’ dress.

A gorgeous emerald it was, a far cry from the plum and black of her father's realm. But no longer was she princess of the underworld Rahl, instead she was Lady Star, mistress of the court of Morningstar. Indeed, they had never had any formal ceremony at all, and neither were they going to consummate the marriage - but those facts were only known by a few. For all appearances Selena had to seem like she was Lady Star, in the various circumstances where she needed to be. These included, but were not limited to; balls, official events, pageants and embassy events. None of these she had gone to yet, for Morningstar seemed to like to conduct his small council meetings, his general day-to-day court operations and other daily tasks alone. He had never had a queen, and she was only really there as a symbol.

But tonight was going to be different. For the first time she was to appear as Lady Star, and be presented as Morningstar's bride. It was a gala of his power for his nobles and courtiers, where he would formally introduce her to many of his closest and most loyal followers.

Let's see if they actually respect me, she thought as material was tacked at her shoulder. So far she had a grand evening gown, with a drooping 'queen anne’ style neckline. The rest of the dress became next to nothing at her waist, where it was cut away to reveal bare flesh. Then, from her waist, it wooshed down into a loose and fluid skirt.

The needle stabbed her accidentally. Letting out a light cry she glanced from the mirror to the seamstress holding the offending item. Wide eyed the woman automatically dropped the thread, then took a step back, bowing her head.

“My lady I am so sorry!” she gasped.

Selena raised her hands kindly, “no it's okay, it's fine.”

“My lady, it is not, I should be more careful! Lord Morningstar-”

“Won't know if you don't tell him,” Selena smiled gently, still standing as still as she could so as not to upset the work done so far.

The seamstress paused and looked at her with wide eyes. “You … won't?”

Selena shook her head. “No.”

The woman let out a long sigh of relief. “Thank you my lady,” she said and curtseyed. She then went back to sewing.

It was only a short time later when a young man rushed in, baring a letter. He charged through the wooden door into the small, private dressing room. Hands out in front of him he held the letter to Selena.

“Miss!” he cried, “a letter has come to you!”

Selena frowned, wondering how on earth a letter could get to this semi-plane of Morningstar's realm. But then, the letter could actually have been sent to her biological father's place, and he could have arranged to send it here, or there was magic on the envelope, or a dove had flown here … anything. There were multiple excuses.

Calmly, she took the letter, moving still as little as possible. She slid a fingernail beneath the seal and ripped it open. Then, she unfolded the paper and began to read.