Felicity stepped out of the office, her spirits lower than when she entered.

Why can’t I just forget?

“Hey! Look out!” Felicity hastily stepped back. Body against the closed door, she watched with wide eyes as a group of paramedics rushed a man on a bed past. The wheels resounded as they rolled across the stone floor. The dimly lit wing then grew back to its usual pace.

Felicity stepped out and started to walk towards the exit. Hands in her jacket pockets, she glanced at the labels of the medical supplies in boxes as she passed. The dark medical wing had a diversity of rooms connected to this single, cold hall. The weather had been awful, the sun still blotted out by ash clouds. The redhead wrapped her green scarf tighter around her neck. Her let down hair flowed near back length as she walked through the wing. A group of doctors talked hushed to a man holding his arm, explaining a work accident. Felicity’s steps hastened as she neared the exit.

“Hey, miss?” Felicity stopped dead, then turned to see another visitor holding his bandaged arm. “Do you know where the Monk’s office is?”

Felicity raised an eyebrow, “Monk?” She echoed. “Is that his name?”

The man rolled his eyes, “No, the Monk. The one from the Citadel.”

In further confusion, Felicity opened her mouth – then stopped when she felt a burst of magic from the exit door.