(09:06:36) Briarheart: It's Maddy's.
(09:06:41) Briarheart: You don't know what was in those shots.
(09:07:06) Briarheart: oops, brb
(09:07:58) Lye: Seeds
(09:08:05) Lye: Literal Maddy seeds.
(09:08:20) Lye: Like a goddamn chia pet.
(09:09:10) Lye: I feel like Hype would have come home one day from the bazaar with a chia pet.
(09:09:11) Amari: oh shit
(09:09:22) Amari: maddy babby
(09:09:31) Amari: it comes out in a fancy suit and just goes "you all suck." and leaves.
(09:09:40) Amari: baby Maddy is like that movie, baby boss
(09:09:57) Lye: It would have been affectionately named prior to even getting home with it.
(09:10:01) Althanas: Error: Connection status: 502
(09:10:24) Lye: Something like, "Spud" or "Cloverbutt".
(09:11:31) Amari: and Hype would be like "Why isn't spud talking back to me?"
(09:12:43) Lye: Trying to teach it to talk like a dog. "Come on, spud! Speak! Speak!"
(09:12:50) Lye: "You can do it! Speak!"
(09:13:14) Amari: "Shakes it"
(09:13:20) Amari: WHY. ARENT . YOU. SPEAKING
(09:13:26) Amari accidently breaks it
(09:13:28) Amari crys
(09:14:22) Lye: "Madison..? Am I --sob-- Am I a bad parent?"
(09:14:56) Althanas: Nosdyn logs into the Chat.
(09:15:14) Nosdyn: hey all lol.
(09:15:18) Amari: and Madison without missing a beat: Yes.