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  1. #3
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    The cold winter like climate was unyielding. The weak corpse of a tree gave little protection from the wind as she leaned against it, sweating.

    Honestly, getting away was nice.

    Felicity loathed thinking of herself as a slacker, irresponsible, yet she needed this. Away from being a general, away from her office, away from Hayate, away from facing all the internal problems that had built up a mountain in front of her. Here, she was training. Just training. No gimmicks, no dragons, no nuclear power. Just training.

    Her katana lay on the dirt infested ground. Felicity lifted a jug and allowed water to fall into her mouth. It took nothing to cool down after working out; the bitter weather took care of that. As she rested after hours of practicing form, she saw a flash of white from the corner of her green eyes.

    She turned to see an own land atop one of the many cut branches of the dead tree. Felicity smiled, this was no regular bird. "Gwenael."

    A flash of light covered the fowl in a bathing cloak. Felicity's magic affinity sparked as the shape of the being changed. It grew, developed limbs... Soon enough, the magic faded. In front of her way a young man. He appeared around her age. The perfect build, long white hair. Amber eyes glimmered as talon feet clunked on the permafrost ground. His white wings fluttered and twitched.

    The entity bent down and picked up one of the branches. Precisely cut, light and rotted. "I take it you are fitting in well."

    Felicity looked ahead again. Allowing the harsh wind to blow her red hair in her face, she took time to look back. "A dragon ruined everybody's day. Hayate picked a fight with me. I'm a general with no idea how to be one. And, my office is still wrecked from that fight Hayate and I had."

    Gwenael raised as eyebrow as he tossed the wood away. He stepped forward, leaving marks in the ground, and picked up the katana. The blade was expertly forged, made of powerful prevalida. He made a cut in the air, testing the sound of the swing with positive results.

    Felicity eyed the blade and blinked. She started thinking again. "I know why I can't outrun my past now though. And people... they... actually respect me here." She lowered her head. Her vision of the long, winding landscape was blocked by her long hair.

    Gwenael spoke up, still testing the sword. "No situation is perfect. All walks have a mixture of ups and downs."

    Felicity blinked.

    Gwenael continued, lowering the sword. "Do not despair over the setbacks. This is the best path for you."

    Felicity scoffed, looking up at him. She smiled as he gently lowered the blade to the ground in front of her. She spoke, "I know it is. And how can I turn back now?"

    Suddenly a distant toll could be heard. Felicity turned her head to the city in the horizon. From behind the walls, the church chapel bell rang. It was noon.

    Felicity bent over and reached for the sword, getting ready to stand up. "I need to get back."

    "Not to join the Ethereal Sway service I hope." Gwenael retorted in amusement.

    Felicity chuckled, eyeing him with a playful challenge. "Give me a good reason to follow those extremists instead of the Thayne." She picked up her supplies and darted down the hill. Next to a puddle, a white mare freely drank. "Come on, Chamomile! Back to town!"

    Gwenael smiled as she tried to take control of the rather stubborn horse. As he watched her, the Lesser Thayne's wings curled in delight. "She shall be just fine."
    Last edited by Flamebird; 10-25-2019 at 11:06 AM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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